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Obsessive-compulsive disorder mind map

MindMap Gallery Obsessive-compulsive disorder mind map

Obsessive-compulsive disorder mind map

·Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is a type of anxiety disorder. It is a group of neuropsychiatric diseases with obsessive thoughts and compulsive behaviors as the main clinical manifestations. It is characterized by the coexistence of conscious compulsions and counter-compulsions, some of which are meaningless or even contrary to Thoughts or impulses of one's own wishes repeatedly invade the patient's daily life. ·Although patients experience that these thoughts or impulses originate from themselves and try their best to resist, they are still unable to control them. The strong conflict between the two makes them feel great anxiety and pain, affecting their study, work, interpersonal communication and even daily life. ·Drawing is not easy, I hope you will be happy, thank you❤️

Edited at 2023-11-06 09:24:22
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