MindMap Gallery Tour of a Cell
This is a mind map talking about the tour of a cell. You can create a mind map like this effortlessly.
Edited at 2020-09-28 09:55:37Halloween has many faces. The theme you envision should influence how you decorate the party space. Jack-o'-lanterns and friendly ghosts are more lighthearted Halloween characters. Zombies, witches, and vampires are much darker. If you want to celebrate all the fun sides of Halloween, then it’s okay to mesh the cute with the frightening. Here is a mind map which lists down the 39 Cutest Couples Halloween Costumes of 2021.
Halloween simply wouldn't be Halloween without the movies that go along with it. There's nothing like a movie night filled with all the greatest chainsaw-wielding, spell-binding, hair-raising flicks to get you in the spooky season spirit. So, break out the stash of extra candy, turn off all the lights, lock every last door, and settle in for the best of the best Halloween movies. Here are the 35 Halloween movies listed on the mind map based on the year of release.
This mind map contains lots of interesting Halloween trivia, great tips for costumes and parties (including food, music, and drinks) and much more. It talks about the perfect Halloween night. Each step has been broken down into smaller steps to understand and plan better. Anybody can understand this Halloween mind map just by looking at it. It gives us full story of what is planned and how it is executed.
Halloween has many faces. The theme you envision should influence how you decorate the party space. Jack-o'-lanterns and friendly ghosts are more lighthearted Halloween characters. Zombies, witches, and vampires are much darker. If you want to celebrate all the fun sides of Halloween, then it’s okay to mesh the cute with the frightening. Here is a mind map which lists down the 39 Cutest Couples Halloween Costumes of 2021.
Halloween simply wouldn't be Halloween without the movies that go along with it. There's nothing like a movie night filled with all the greatest chainsaw-wielding, spell-binding, hair-raising flicks to get you in the spooky season spirit. So, break out the stash of extra candy, turn off all the lights, lock every last door, and settle in for the best of the best Halloween movies. Here are the 35 Halloween movies listed on the mind map based on the year of release.
This mind map contains lots of interesting Halloween trivia, great tips for costumes and parties (including food, music, and drinks) and much more. It talks about the perfect Halloween night. Each step has been broken down into smaller steps to understand and plan better. Anybody can understand this Halloween mind map just by looking at it. It gives us full story of what is planned and how it is executed.
Tour of a Cell
Studying the Cell
- 3 Paramters of control amount of informatin in a micrscope image
- Magnigication
- Ratio of image size to object size
- Light Microscope
- Resolution
- The minimum distance between two distinguishable points
- Contrast
- Visible range of brightness
- Types ofMicroscopes
- Electron Microscope
- Beam of electron thru the specimen or into its surface
- Trasmisson
- thin samples
- electrons thru samples
- heavy metal staining
- Scanning
- Thicker samples
- Depth of image
- Gold-plated sample
Eukaryotic vs Prokaryotic
- Plasma Membrane
- Cell Membrane
- Barrier
- passage of oxygen, nurtirents & waste
- it makes itself
- phospholidpis form double layer in water
- Light Microscope
- self healing
- Can pinch of parts form membrane bubbles
- in or out of cell
- Cytosol
- gel-like liquid
- Chromosomes
- Protein recipes
- Ribosomes
- Protein markers
- Cell Fractionation
- to separation different organelles to studytheir function separate from the rest of thecell
- Prokaryotes
- Small, singles cell oragnisms
- Bacteria & Archaea
- No membrane around DNA (nucleoid)
- Lack an internal membrane compartment
- Major difference
- Location of DNA
- Eukaryotes
- Larger, multicellular
- some unicellular(Protist)
- Animal Cells
- Membrane bound
- Nuclues
- other organelles
- Double lay of phospholipids & other lipids
- Cytosol
- semi fulid
- jelly like
- Cytoplasm
- between nucleus and plasma membrane
- nucleus has its fluid
- Fungi
- not plants
- mushrooms, Penicillin, yeast, mycorrhizae
- cell wall
- no chloroplasts
- Heterotrophic
Genetic Information: Nucleus to Ribosomes
- Nucleus
- where proteins begin
- DNA recipes for every protein
- one gene
- Ribsomes are made here
- DNA locked inside nucleus
- mRNA is working copy
- Genes and other DNA
- Most genes in eukoryotic cells
- Chromosomes are the stuctes that carrygentic info
- Chromatin is the protein that makes up chromosomes
- Connection to rough ER
- Nuclear membrane is 2 double layers ofphospholipids
- double membrane w/ a gap between them
- Envelope
- nuclear pore
- Each pore is ringed by protein particles
- Nuclear envelope
- enclosed nucles
- sperating contents from the cytoplasm
- Nuclear lamina
- Intermediate filaments
- shape of nucleus by mechanically supporting the NE
- Ribosomes
- Read mRNA copies of DNA's instructions
- made in nucleus
- free or bound from nucleus
- translate instruction into proteins
- Not membrane bound
- not considered organells
- protein synthesis
- Free in cytosol
- bound outside nuclear envelope
Endomembrane System
- interconnected tubes,sac,tiny floating vesicles
- Change shape and size
- Separate contents frm rest of cytoplasm
- 1. Nuclear enevlope
- 2. Endoplasmic Reticulum
- Storage, manufacturing, and making
- Smooth
- Rough
- Has bound ribosomes all over it
- makes protein for export
- protein synthesis
- makes more membrane
- Glycoproteins
- carbs attached to proteins
- Enzymes make lipids(steroids)
- detoxifitions (add -OH)
- Drug resistance
- Store Ca+
- Lacks ribosomes its outsuface
- phospholipids
- 3. Golgi apparatus
- finishes, packages, sorts and ships
- Vesicles from ER to GA
- Stack of flat sacs
- cisternae
- each layer further modifies products
- final layer sorts into vesicles for transport
- proteins are modified and stored
- refines product of ER
- 4. Lysosomes
- looks like a vacuoles
- digestive cells
- Phagocytosis
- contain enzymes that break down chemicalbonds
- sent to other places for cell specilaization
- secretion
- Recycle organelles
- autophagy
- self eating
- self destruct cell
- autolysis
- part of development
- common in animals
- in plants sometimes???
- 4. Vacuoles
"little emptiness"
- actually full of water/ clear liquid
- Large vesicles
- often storage/organization
- food,water, toxins(process of eating)
- contractile vacuole
- squirting H20 out of cell
- some & others connected vialtravelling vesicles
- 50% of membrane in many cells
- Vesicles of membrane bubble off to whereverthe membrane( Vesicles contents) areneeded.
- Membrane grows, not stactic
- dynamic(Moving, shifitng, growing,shrinking)
Engery-Converting Organelles
- 1. Mitochondria
- All eukaryote cells
- cellular respiration
- outer & inner membrane (Cristae)
- own circular DNA
- only inherited from female parent
- Plants can be from both parents
- Use energy from sugars
- ATP(andenosine triphosphate)
- immediate energy source
- stores & releases energy
- mDNA
- free ribosomes
- reproduce in cells
- Matrix
- DNA & ribosomes enclosed by the innermembrane
- need to make things between 2 membranes
- 2. Chloroplast
- some plant cells
- fruit, root plants & animals don‘’t have it
- 3 layers of outer & inner membrane
- own circular DNA
- Filled w/thick fluid=stroma
- where sugars are born
- DNA & ribosomes
- contain stacks(granum) of thylakoids
- chlorophyll inside
- chlorophll collects sunlight
- using stored energy
- mitochondrion
- can't surivie on its own. too dependent
- 3.Peroxisomes
- oxidation organelles
- single membrane
- many oxidation reactions
- Remove H from various molecules using O
- Hyroden peroxide
- H2O2
- Converts to H20
- Prepare fatty acids for mitochondria
- detox
- Glyoxysomoes
- special version of peroxisomes in fat titssue
- fats to sugar
- Cell Skeleton
- shape to cell
- Movement of organelles/whole cell
- activity of cell
- extending thru cytoplasm
- organizing structure
- Microfilaments
- Actin(globular protein)
- holds things together
- easily movable
- provides shape
- microvilli
- 3D network
- myosin & actin filaments in muscle
- eukaryotic cells bear tenison
- pulling force
- Intermediate filaments
- cable structure of several proteins
- permanent
- long term structure to cell
- remain after cell death
- Keratin in skin
- reinforcing shape
- fixing position of cell
- certain organelles
- Microtubules
- tubulin
- cilia
- large's
- flagella
- few cells, longer
- Both move fuild over the suface of tissue
- vesicles & organelles travel
- differ in beating patter
- uses ATP for energy
- organize chromosomes during cell divison
- unstable ends are different
- +end grows & disassembles faster
- -end grows& disassembles slower
- length can change rapidly
- coverage on centrosome(near nucleus)
- go out supporting cell
- providing tracing from center to surface cell
Connection between cells
- Plant cell walls
- made of cellulose (polysaccharide)
- protects each cell
- provides support for plants weight
- Plasmodesmata connects cells thru PCW
- prevents isolation
- prevents excessive uptake of H2O
- found in prokaryotes fungi
- some unicellular Eukaryotes
- Secondary
- between plasma membrane
- primary wall cell protection & support
- Primary
- thin & flexible
- cell growth
- cellulose, pectin and hemicellulose
- Middle Lamella
- thin & sticky
- Polysaccharides
- pectin
- Animals' extracellular matrix
- Matrix (embedded)
- like a skeleton outside cell
- holds tissue together
- communicates w/ cells
- affects gene expression
- made largely of glycoproteins
- proteins + carbs
- collagen
- most abundant/main ingredient
- strong; hanging on matrix
- regulates cell behavior
- Intergrins
- proteins binding cell membrane to ECM
- Connected to cytoskeleton
- Cell junctions in animal cells
- 1. Tight
- makes a layer of cells fluid tight
- 2. Anchoring
- desmosomes
- like bolting
- very strong connections
- 3. Gap
- allow transport
- communication
- have gaps
- heart muscles
- Plasmodesmata
- in plants