A psychological phenomenon by which peopletend to develop a liking for things because theyare exposed to it over and over again.
At the beginning of the detention, Bender acts contemptuously towards Claire dueto their differing lifestyles and personalities. However, by the end the detention theybecome much more acclimated and comfortable with one another due to getting toknow each other better, to the point of kissing each other. This drastic change intheir relationship within a short time frame can be explained by the Mere ExposureEffect.
Self Fulfilling Prophecy
The process by which ones expectations aboutanother person eventually leads the other personto behave in ways that confirm theseexpectations.
At one point in the movie, Bender was imitating his father by saying, "Stupid,worthless, no good, retarded, big mouth, know-it-all, jerk". By his fatherplacing expectations on Bender's behavior and treating him in this manner,Bender unwillingly starts to behave in this manner in order to live up to his"prophecy".
Fundamental Attribution Error
The fundamental attribution error is people's tendency to placean undue emphasis on internal characteristics to explainsomeone else's behavior in a given situation, rather thanconsidering various external factors.
Prior to their getting to know Bender in detail, other people considered him aggressive anddisrespectful and believed that such quality is a result of his predisposed personality. However,Bender has been treated badly at home, constantly abused verbally and physically, and he hashad to defend for himself alone. While everyone attributed his rude actions to personalpredisposition, the aggressive behavior of Bender could be more due to the impact of his domesticenvironment than it is due to his preexisting characteristics.
Social-Emotional Development
Marcia's Identity Diffusion
The status in which an individual has not made acommitment to an identity, nor has evenexplored an identity
At one point in the film, Andrew belittles Bender for not having any goals for hislife and that Bender might as well not exist at the school due to the lack ofidentity. Andrew describes Bender accurately, as Bender is in a state of IdentityDiffusion due to his tough upbringing, as he has not yet realized his socialidentity.
Baumrind's Parenting Styles: Neglectful
Parenting style where the parent acts indifferent to thechild and has little emotional involvement. The parentsmake few to no demands and are univolved in the child'slife
At the very beginning of the film, the audience sees all the kids get dropped off bytheir parents, except Bender. This may suggest that his parents do not care abouthis life. Also, Bender makes many comments throughout the film about how hisfather doesn't pay attention to him. This type of parenting is quite similar to that ofa neglectful parent.
Psychoanalytic Perspective
Defense Mechanism:Displacement and ReactionFormation
A defense mechanism that involves shiftingsexual or aggressive impulses toward a moreacceptable or less threatening object or person.
In the film, it is evident that Bender is constantly frustrated andupset by his dad's actions. Instead of releasing these aggressiveimpulses towards his father, he releases them towards Claire andAndrew.
Reaction Formation
A defense mechanism that describes thetendency of an individual to act in a manneropposite from his or her unconscious beliefs.
Bender bullied Claire. He elevated Claire's family background andmocked her. In the end, Bender kisses Claire, which would suggest that heloved her for much of the movie. He acted in a manner that contradictshis true feelings for Claire, which is exactly what reaction formationdescribes.
Stages of PersonalityDevelopment: Fixation at the OralStage.
Being overindulged or under-indulged in this stageof development results in an oral receptivepersonality in which one is preoccupied with oralactivities.
In the film, Bender is both a smoker and drinkerwhich is normal activities for infants fixated inthe oral stage of development.