MindMap Gallery Make a concept map of branches of science
Make a concept map of branches of science: Social Sciences Natural Sciences Formal Sciences Applied Sciences
Edited at 2020-12-23 09:01:23A simplified mind map about the psychology in pre-scientific stage. Pre-scientific psychology refers to the early philosophical and theoretical explorations of the human mind and behavior that laid the foundation for the development of modern psychology. You can easily create your own mind map like this this with EdrawMind.
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A simplified mind map about the psychology in pre-scientific stage. Pre-scientific psychology refers to the early philosophical and theoretical explorations of the human mind and behavior that laid the foundation for the development of modern psychology. You can easily create your own mind map like this this with EdrawMind.
This is a mind map about "Wholesaling Lease Options Joe McCall".
This is a mind map about Thesis Map.
Make A Concept Map Of Branches Of Science
Social Sciences
Theoretical Sociologist
Is the scientific study of society, patterns of socialrelationships, social interaction, and culture ofeveryday life.
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Historical Sociology
It is the study of social facts and socialgroups. It studies the background of anysocial events.
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Sociology of Knowledge
The newly emerged branch of sociologyindicates that our knowledge is the productof social phenomena.
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This branch of sociology studies thecriminal behavior of individuals or groups.
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Sociology of Religion
This branch studies the structure of thereligion in social system as no society isfree from the influence of it.
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Sociology of Economy
This branch of sociology studiesproduction, distribution, consumption andexchange of goods and services.
This branch also studies the economicactivities of the society in which the focus isgiven about the sociocultural factors.
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Rural Sociology
This branch of sociology studies the way oflife of rural people as the rural population ishigher than the urban. The patterns of lifesuch as behavior, belief, culture, traditionnorms, values, etc. are totally different thanof urban people. So, it studies the ruralsociety in scientific way. It also studies rurallife, social institutions, social structure,social processes, etc. of the rural society.
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Urban Sociology
This branch of sociology studies the way oflife of urban people. It gives informationabout the social organizations and instutionof urban society as well as social structureand social interaction. It also studies thesocial pathology of urban society such asdiscrimination) crime, corruption, robbery,beggary, loot, theft, unemployment,prostitution, environmental pollution, etc.
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Political Sociology
This branch of sociology studies differentpolitical moments of the society. It includesthe study of different political ideology(view), their origin, development andfunctions. In this study, different politicalparties are considered as social institutions.Various activities and behavior of politicalparties are studied in this branch. As theyare the part of social system.
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Sociology of Demography
Demography of scientific mathematical andstatically study of population.
In this branch of sociology, we study thedistribution of human population with theanalysis of population change insociological perspectives.
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Sociology of Law
Sociology of law and legal system areconsidered as the part of society, as socialinstitution.
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Industrial Sociology
This branch of sociology is concerned withthe industrial relationship of the humanbeings.
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In economics the dominant framework forexploring the structure of marketeconomies is provided by the neoclassicalschool of thought.
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Development Economics
Is a branch of economics which deals witheconomic aspects of the developmentprocess in low income countries.
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Is a subfield of economics that isconcerned with environmental issues.
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Studies the effects of psychological,cognitive, emotional, cultural and socialfactors on the economic decisions ofindividuals and institutions
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Is the application of statistical methods toeconomic data in order to give empiricalcontent to economic relationships.
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Labour Economics
Seeks to understand the functioning anddynamics of the markets for wage labour.
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Classical / Free Market
In economics, a free market is an idealizedsystem in which the prices for goods andservices are determined by the openmarket and by consumers.
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Are the various macroeconomic theories about how in the short run – and especiallyduring recessions – economic output is strongly influenced by aggregate demand(total demand in the economy).
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Is a movement in economic science, basedon economic concepts and method of KarlMarx.
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Austrian economists are known forsupporting free markets and criticizinggovernment intervention.
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Mercantilism / Protectionism
mercantilism is an offensive policy aimed at accumulating the largesttrade surplus, while protectionism is a defensive policy aimed at reducing thetrade deficit and restoring a trade balance in equilibrium to protect the economy.
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Is an economic theory that focuses on themacroeconomic effects of the supply ofmoney and central banking.
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Public Law
Constitutional Law
Is a body of law which defines the role,powers, and structure of different entitieswithin a state, namely, the executive, theparliament or legislature, and the judiciary;as well as the basic rights of citizens and, infederal countries
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Administrative Law
Is the body of law that governs theactivities of administrative agencies ofgovernment.
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Criminal Law
Is the body of law that relates to crime.
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Private Law
Property Law
Is the area of law that governs the various forms of ownership and tenancy in real property and in personal property, within the common law legal system.
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Contract Law
Is the body of law that relates to makingand enforcing agreements.
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Political Science
Public law
Is that part of law which governsrelationships between individuals and thegovernment, and those relationshipsbetween individuals which are of directconcern to society.
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Political Theory
Is the study of topics such as politics,liberty, justice, property, rights, law, and theenforcement of laws by authority
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International Relations
Is the study of interconnectedness ofpolitics, economics and law on a globallevel.
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Domestic Policy
Are administrative decisions that aredirectly related to all issues and activitywithin a nation's borders.
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Comparative Politics
Is a field in political science, characterizedby an empirical approach based on thecomparative method.
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Potitical Statistics
Statistics is an integral part of politicalscience research.
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Public Administration
Is the implementation of government policyand also an academic discipline that studiesthis implementation and prepares civilservants for working in the public service.
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Local Government
Is a form of public administration which, ina majority of contexts, exists as the lowesttier of administration within a given state.
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Political Dynamics
Is the ability to influence or outright controlthe behaviour of people.
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Pure Psychology
General Psychology
The field of general psychology concernsitself with studying the mind.
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Abnormal Psychology
Abnormal psychology is the branch of psychology that studies unusual patterns ofbehavior, emotion and thought, which may or may not be understood as precipitating a mental disorder.
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Social Psychology
Social psychology is the scientific study ofhow people's thoughts, feelings, andbehaviors are influenced by the actual,imagined, or implied presence of others.
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Physiological Psychology
Physiological psychology is a subdivision ofbehavioral neuroscience (biologicalpsychology) that studies the neuralmechanisms
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Parapsychology is the study of paranormaland psychic phenomena
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Geo Psychology
Geographical psychology focuses on howecological, climatic, and psychologicalfactors all contribute or are related to avariety of social indicators.
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Developmental Psychology
Developmental psychology is the scientificstudy of how and why human beingschange over the course of their life.
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Experimental Psychology
Experimental psychology refers to workdone by those who apply experimentalmethods to psychological study and theprocesses that underlie it.
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Applied Psychology
Educational Psychology
Educational psychology is the branch ofpsychology concerned with the scientificstudy of human learning.
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Clinical Psychology
Clinical psychology is an integration ofscience, theory and clinical knowledge forthe purpose of understanding, preventing,and relieving psychologicallybased distressor dysfunction
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Industrial Psychology
Industrial psychology combines theprinciples of psychology with a methodicalinvestigation of various work settings.
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Legal Psychology
Legal psychology involves empirical,psychological research of the law, legalinstitutions, and people who come intocontact with the law.
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Military Psychology
Military psychology is the research, designand application of psychological theoriesand empirical data towards understanding,predicting, and countering behaviourseither in friendly or enemy forces
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Political Psychology
Political psychology is an interdisciplinaryacademic field dedicated to understandingpolitics, politicians and political behaviorfrom a psychological perspective.
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Criminal Psychology
Criminal psychology, also referred to ascriminological psychology, is the study of thewills, thoughts, intentions, and reactions ofcriminals and all that partakes in the criminalbehavior.
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Natural Sciences
Physical Sciences
Study of matter and the changesit undergoes
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Study of energy, motion and forces
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The chemistry and physics of the universe
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Life Sciences (Biology)
Is a discipline in biology that studiesanimals
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The ecosystem where plants andtechnology meets together
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Studies the interactions among organismsand their environment
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Is the study of genes, genetic variation, andheredity in living organisms
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Earth Science
Is an earth science concerned with the solidEarth
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Is the study of the physical and biologicalaspects of the ocean
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Is the scientific study of the atmospherethat focuses on weather processes andforecasting
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Scientific study of life of the geologic past
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Formal Sciences
Process of finding the derivative, orrate of change, of a function.
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A function was originally the idealization ofhow a varying quantity depends on another quantity.
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The study of angles and of the angularrelationships of planar and threedimensional figures.
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In mathematics, a vector is an element of avector space.
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Is the study of mathematical symbols andthe rules for manipulating these symbols.
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Is a branch of mathematics concerned withquestions of shape, size, relative position offigures, and the properties of space.
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An equation is a statement of an equalitycontaining one or more variables.
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An integral assigns numbers to functions in a way that can describe displacement, area, volume, and other concepts that arise by combining infinitesimal data.
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Descriptive statistics
Consists of organizing and summarizingdata, such as numerical summaries, tablesand graphs.
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Inferential statistics
Use a random sample of data taken from apopulation to describe and make inferences about the population.
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The study of systems of deductive argument in which symbols are used to represent precisely defined categories of expressions.
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Is a broad term for any of the variousmethods of analyzing and evaluatingarguments used in everyday life.
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Applied Sciences
Computer Science
theory, experimentation, and engineering that form the basis for thedesign and use of computers
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Civil Engineering
development, design, construction, production and managementof the physical infrastructure required to safeguard the safety, health, businessactivity and sustainability of our society
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Electrical Engineering
study and application of electricity, electronics, andelectromagnetism
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Mechanical Engineering
design, analyze, manufacture, and maintainmechanical systems
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Health Sciences
Is the science and practice of the diagnosis,treatment, and prevention of disease
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the study, diagnosis, prevention, andtreatment of diseases, disorders, andconditions of the oral cavity
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Is the science and technique of preparingand dispensing drugs
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Plant Science
Dairy Science
Dairy science explores the technology andscience behind the production of milk andmilk products.
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Plant Pathology
the scientific study of diseases in plantscaused by pathogens
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Entomology is the study of insects.
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Soil Science
Soil science is the study of soil as a naturalresource on the surface of the Earthincluding soil formation, classification andmapping; physical, chemical, biological, andfertility properties of soils; and theseproperties in relation to the use andmanagement of soils.
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Agricultural Chemistry
Agricultural chemistry is the study of bothchemistry and biochemistry which areimportant in agricultural production, theprocessing of raw products into foods andbeverages, and in environmentalmonitoring and remediation.
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Agricultural Botany
The scientific and expert activities of theDepartment of Agricultural Botany arefocused on floristic, morphoanatomicaland ecophysiological research of variouscultivated and wild vascular plants of theCroatian flora. In light of this, we need toemphasize the studies referring to theinfluence of the increased concentrations ofthe tropospheric ozone on the anatomicalstructure of the agricultural cultures. Themost significant are the research activitiesdealing with flora and vegetation, whichprimarily refer to the grassland and weedvegetation, as well as the succession stagesof the grassland vegetation.
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Genetics And Plant Breeding
Plant Breeding and Genetic Resources dealswith scales ranging from the molecularlevel to the population level and requiresknowledge of the physiology, ecology andgenetics of cultivated plants.
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Animal Science
Nutrition is the science that interprets theinteraction of nutrients and othersubstances in food in relation tomaintenance, growth, reproduction, healthand disease of an organism. It includesfood intake, absorption, assimilation,biosynthesis, catabolism, and excretion.
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Physiology deals with the study of functionsof the body or any of its parts.
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Reproductive Physiology
research the fundamental elements of reproductive biology | teach the latest principles and strategies/practices of reproductive biology | translate the acquired knowledge into reproductive systems to benefit producers and consumers.
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Animal Behavior
Animal behavior is the study of these andother questions about why animals behavethe way they do.
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Genetics And Breeding
The animal breeding and genetics section works to provide new scientific discoveriesto ageold livestock production problems to help producers and consumers.
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Animal Products
An animal product is any material derivedfrom the body of an animal.
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Is involved in research and educationrelated to the health and welfare of animalsand people.
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Agricultural Engineering
Agricultural Machinery & Structural Design
Some typical areas of study include thedesign of agricultural equipment orstructures (overlap with mechanical andstructural engineering).
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Bioengineering, is the application ofprinciples of biology and the tools ofengineering to create usable, tangible,economically viable products.
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Waste Management
Waste management are the activities andactions required to manage waste from itsinception to its final disposal.
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Agricultural Resource ManagementSystem (ARMS)
geographic information system support tool to enable farmers tobetter identify their fields and livestock production facilities for their resources
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Agricultural Technology
Agricultural technology refers totechnology for the production of machinesused on a farm to help with farming.
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Agricultural Economics
Agricultural Environment And NaturalResources
contributed in three main areas: designing incentives to control environmental externalities. estimating the value of nonmarket benefits from natural resources and environmental amenities, and the complex interrelationship between economic activities and environmental consequences.
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Food And Consumer Economics
While at some point the agriculturaleconomy area was primarily focused onproblems at company level, agriculturaleconomists have studied various topicsrelated to the economy of foodconsumption over the past years.
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Production Economics And FarmManagement
Agricultural economics research has addressed diminishing returns in agricultural production, as well as farmers' costs and supply responses.
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Development Economics
Development economics is broadlyconcerned with the improvement of livingconditions in lowincome countries, and theimprovement of economic performance inlowincome settings.
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Biological Science in 21st Century
Genetic Engineering
Genetic engineering, is the directmanipulation of an organism's genes usingbiotechnology.
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Biotech is the broad area of biologyinvolving living systems and organisms todevelop or make products
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Biochemistry Microbiology
Study Biochemistry and Microbiology in anintegrated way to a high level, while gaininga broad grounding in the other molecularbiosciences.
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Pharmacology is the branch of biologyconcerned with the study of drug action
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Pomology is a science of fruitgrowing.
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Olericulture is the science of vegetablegrowing, dealing with the culture ofnonwoody (herbaceous) plants for food.
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Ornamental Horticulture
Ornamental horticulture consists offloriculture and landscape horticulture
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Crop Science
Crop Science research in crop breeding andgenetics; crop physiology and metabolism
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Soil Science
Soil science is the study of soil as a naturalresource on the surface of the Earthincluding soil formation, classification andmapping
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Environmental Science
Environmental science is the study of theeffects of natural and unnatural processes,and of interactions of the physicalcomponents of the planet on theenvironment.
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