MindMap Gallery Theories Related to Technology
This is a mind map about "Theories Related to Technology".
Edited at 2020-12-23 09:43:51Theories Related to Technology
This theory helps us as teachers to determine whether introducing atechnology will have the desired impact. If the technology will be anarbitrary sidestep, with minimal benefits, or an exceptionalreplacement that allows students to use technology in a fully beneficialway
It consists of 2 categories. These categoriesare defined as "enhancement" and"transformation."
Enhancement is the less effective means of introducingtechnology. It consists of Augmentation and Substitution. Both ofwhich allow students to integrate the technology, but on a moresuperficial level
Transformation has been shown to improve student performance by a full letter grade.It includes Modification and Redefinition.
The former acting as a means to transform atask from solely analog to perhaps 50% technological. Redefinition is the mosteffective method of integrating technology.
It allows for students to participate in andcreate new tasks that were never thought possible
21st Century
This is a theory designated specifically for learners in our moderntimes. Obviously, times have changed since traditional educationalphilosophies and doctrines were set in place. This hopes to adjustthe ideas set in place to fit current students better
Contains 3 types of knowledg.Foundational, Meta, andHumanistic
The following are linked to content,problem solving, and life skillsrespectively
This theory is based off of one's own principlesand ideas. It is how one can integrate, adjust, andreestablish how technology is integrated in theclass
Technology should not be integrated simplybecause it "is cool." It should provide a useful,tangible advantage.
TPACK is a threepronged theory that combines Technological,Pedagogical, and Content knowledge. It uses each in conjunctionwith the others to allow educators to assess and examine theintegration and usage of technology in the class.
Each form of knowledge is assessed and the area in which an ideaor practice falters can be examined and fixed. This is true for areasin which an idea may be a little too dependent on. A well roundedapproach is the best.
Pedagogical knowledge pertains the the intrinsicideas and skills held be educators in regards toteaching
Technological knowledge refers to thefamiliarity, and level of skill held with a specifictechnology.
Content knowledge is referencing the way inwhich one understands and is able to articulatetopics