- Refers to a moral action that is graver than venial sin, thus the action is serious.
• Venial
- Pertains to a moral action that leads to the separation of an individual from god.
Sin in the OT
• Hatta
- Missing the mark, sin is a willful rejection of God’s known will.
• Pesha
- Rebellion, shows how, in sinning human persons’ reject God and His love.
• Awon
- Iniquity or guilt, refers to the way sin twists and distorts the sinner’s inner being.
Sin in the NT
• Anomia
- or lawlessness stresses that sin consists in a spirit of rebellion and contempt for God and His law
• Adikia
- Injustice, emphasizes that sin is a refusal to accept God and His reign revealed in Christ and to live in the justice that God has given.
• Skotos
- Darkness, shows that sin is an opposition to the truth of God, to Jesus Christ – who is the way, the truth and the life, to one’s fellow men/women, and to the truth of being a human person.
Sin as Contrary to God’s Law
- The essence of committing and omitting a sinful act is the stark manifestation of breaking God’s law.
Sin as the Absence of Goodness in an Action
- The free deliberate sinful act hinders the fulfillment of human persons on every level of existence.
• Personal
- When an individual commits an action that results in the loss of meaning of one’s life.
• Social
- That an individual is not the only one affected by the sin, but also the community and society as a whole.
• Transcendental
- The commission of sin is a manifestation of complete disregard of God and His divine plan.