Criteria 1.1 Comply with the laws
Criteria 1.2 Demonstrate legal ownership of land and water in accordance with national law and practice.
Criteria 2.1 Comply with the OIT conventions governing child labor, forced labor, discrimination and freedom of association, and the right to negotiate collectives.
Criteria 2.2 Ensure a safe working environment andhealthy in work operations.
Criteria 2.3 Provide to employees (including migrant workers and seasonal,and other contract workers) with at least the applicable minimum wage.
Criteria 2.4 Provide clear, equitable and comprehensive contracts.
Criteria 3.2 Monitor greenhouse gas emissions, aiming
Criteria 4.1 Assess the impact of companies sugarcane in biodiversity and ecosystem services.
Criteria 5.1 Train employees and other workers in all areas of their service and develop their general skills.
Criteria 5.2 Continuously improve the status of soil and water resources.
Criteria 5.4 Promote energy efficiency.
Criteria 5.5 Reduce emissions and effluents. Whenever possible, promote recycling of flows of waste.
Criteria 5.6 Promote effective research.
Criteria 5.7 For greenfield expansion or new sugarcane projects, ensure transparent, consultative and participatory processes that consider cumulative and induced effects, through an assessment of social and environmental impact (AISA)
Criteria 5.8 Ensure active engagement and transparent, consultative and participatory processes with all relevant stakeholders.
Criteria 5.9 Promote the economical sustainability.