Scout starts to explain how her olderbrother, Jem, sustained a broken elbowmany years earlier.
She begins talking about herfamily history.
Simon Finch
Simon Finch, the first of her ancestors to come toAmerica was a fur-trader and apothecary who fledEngland to escape persecution. He thenestablished a successful farm on the banks of theAlabama River. The Finchs' relied on the farm,Finch's landing, for many years.
Atticus Finch
Atticus went to Mongomeryto read law.
Jack Finch
Jack went to Boston tostudy medicine.
Alexandra Finch
Alexandra remained at theLanding, marrying a taciturnman.
She talks about Maycomb, thetown which her family livedand lives in.
Maycomb was a tired old town.
The streets turned to redslop in rainy weather.
The courthouse sagged.
People moved slowly, tooktheir time about everything.
Meets a new friend Dill.
New in the town.
Was staying with his auntfor the summer.
Talks about the Radleys.
Boo Radleys past.
How the family becoamesuddenly "hostile".
Past events that led to Boo Radleybecoming "mad" as everyoneclaimed.