In the first part of the novel, we see how hebecomes aware of the manipulation ofwhich he is a victim. This provokes in him,anxious to know the way of life existingbefore the revolution. In addition, hemeditates on his life, embodying everythinghe feels in a little journal. That is to say, hethinks of everything he can and does notpossess, because the Big Brother(concretion that the party presents to theworld) wants to maintain power at anyprice. He sacrifices all human value in orderto possess absolute power. Therefore, let ussay that Winston ultimately understandshow to live in that society, withoutunderstanding why to live this way and notin a different way. He does not find anysense in his way of life. In the second part,the discontent in his person impels him torebel against the party, carrying out actsthat the party considers criminal. Thus,through Julia (another member of theparty), which falls in love, violates thedoctrine of the party, since, according tothis, the only love that a member of theparty.