Each candidate will be assessed on either operational level or Management level in Navigation
Each candidate will be assessed on an simulator based exercise which involves 3 components of Navigation under technical assessment and 6 components under human factor asessment
Total marks of this assesment shall be 50 marks.
Total time of the simulator based exercise will be not more than ONE hour
Prior assesment, Each candidate needs to be familiarised with Bridge equipment on a KONGSBERG Full mission Navigation Bridge Simulator.
Each exercise will have a START CARD containing various details ofthe type of own ship, Ship particulars, Manoeuvring diagram, Initial course, speed, current, wind, sea and other parameters essential for navigation. This shall be briefed by the instructor to the candidate prior commencemnt of each exercise.
Each exercise will have an INSTRUCTOR's ASSESMENT CARD. This will contain details of various elements of assessments (Technical and Human factors) and a space to enter the marks. Also a space to type the overall assessment in words if required. There would be timeline and space to type various actions , reactions and the OOW's state of mental involvement and readiness throughout the course of the exercise.
Any other additional information from the psycologists regarding the candidate which may involve additional training if required fro promotion in ranks will also be recorded in a designated space.