MindMap Gallery Specific deduction mind map
This mind map clearly illustrates the specific deduction process, involving essential aspects like borrowing costs, balance adjustments, and payment expenses, with further breakdowns into personal costs, loan amounts, and more. The map presents information in a radial structure emanating from the central concept, composed of themes, branches, and keywords, mirroring the neural structure of the human brain. This graphical approach optimizes memory, information organization, and the generation of creative ideas.
Edited at 2023-04-08 23:54:10Specific deductions
1. Overview
General deductions
expenditure which falls under the general deductibility provision in s 8-1
Specific deductions
expenditure expressly mentioned as deductible by a provision in the ITAA: s 8-5
Note that if the expense would be claimable under more than one section, you cannot get a double deduction! Claim each expense once under the most appropriate provision: s 8-10 ITAA97.
2. Tax-related expenses S25-5
• Section 25-5 allows a deduction for expenditure incurred to the extent that it is for:
managing a taxpayer’s ‘tax affairs’ (including the cost of travelling to have a tax return prepared) and noting ‘tax affairs’ is limited to a taxpayer’s income tax obligations only; 只限於納稅人的所得稅義務
complying with an obligation imposed by a Commonwealth law, in so far as it relates to ‘tax affairs’
the general interest charge imposed by ATO (in relation to an underpayment of tax or late payment)
s 25-5(2), no deduction is allowed under s 25-5 for:
tax advise unless the fee is paid to a recognised tax adviser being a registered tax or GST agent or a legal practitioner; 稅務諮詢不能抵扣
the actual payment of income tax; 實際支付所得稅
amounts withheld or payable under the Pay as you go (PAYG) system
interest incurred in borrowing money to pay an income tax liability.
Capital expenditure cannot be deducted under this provision: s 25-5(4).
3. Repairs S25-10
Section 25-10 allows a deduction for expenditure that you incur for repairs to premises (or parts of premises) or a depreciating asset that you held or used solely for the purpose of producing assessable income.
Sub Topic
Sub Topic
there are three requirements that need to be satisfied in order to claim an immediate deduction for a repair under s 25-10:
That there is a repair
The courts have defined three essential attributes of a repair:
A repair involves the restoration of a thing to a condition it formerly had without changing its character: W Thomas & Co Pty Ltd v FCT (1965) 115 CLR 58. It restores it to its former efficiency, rather than an exact repetition of form and substance 必須將一個物品恢復到它之前的狀態,不能改變原有的性質
An item must be in need of restoration before it can be repaired: Case J47 (1958) 9 TBRD 244 物品必須在需要維修的前提下才可以維修
A repair involves the replacement or renewal of part of an item, rather than the entire item: Lindsay v FCT (1960) 106 CLR 377. If the entire item is replaced, this is not a repair but may be a capital addition or improvement. 只能修理壞掉的部分,而不是全部換新的
Pure maintenance work will not constitute a repair as the nature of the work is preventative rather than restorative. However, such costs may be deductible under s 8-1. 平常的保養不屬於維修,因爲其性質是預防而不是維修
the item is held or used for the purpose to produce assessable income
If an asset or property is only held or used partly for that purpose you may deduct a reasonable amount of the expenditure on repairs – so can apportion on the percent of income-producing use.
As long as you hold or use the asset to produce assessable income, s 25-10 will allow a deduction for repairs. 只要持有或使用該資產項目是為了產生應稅收入,在S25-10 就可以享有維修抵扣
the expenditure is not capital
There are three categories of expenditure of ‘repairs’, which may be classified as capital expenditure (and would therefore not be deductible under s 25-10):
Improvements 改造
Consider the following factors in deciding whether the work is an improvement: 以下三點可以判定是否為改造
Is the renewed material different to the original? (not decisive by itself - it is the restoration of function that is important) 是否跟該項目的原有材料不一樣
Does the renewed part have advantages over the original – has the item’s operating efficiency been improved? 更新後是否比原先的時候提供更多的產能或者執行上變得更有效率?
Is the likelihood of future repairs reduced?未來維修機會是否會減少
Additions or alterations 加建&改建
If alterations or additions are carried out, then the expenditure is not a repair.
If alterations or additions are carried out, then the expenditure is not a repair. 增加以前沒有的東西
An alteration could be where the work results in a change in the function of the asset 使該物品的運作功能改變
Initial repairs 初始維修
Initial repairs are the repairs necessary to remedy any defects in the property which existed at the time they were acquired: 初始維修是指原先資產在購買之前就有缺陷而需要進行維修
They represent an improvement from the condition the asset was acquired rather than the repair of ordinary wear and tear when owned by the taxpayer.
Initial repairs are regarded as non-deductible by the Commissioner of Taxation in TR 97/23 where the defect, damage or deterioration: • existed at the time of the acquisition of the property • did not arise from the operations of the person who incurs the expenditure.
Note: • This sort of capital expenditure may instead be deductible over time under the Div 40 Capital allowance provisions, or the Division 43 Capital works provisions. • Otherwise, if there is no connection to producing assessable income, the expenditure could be included in the 4th element of the cost base of the asset for CGT purposes.
You cannot claim for a notional repair, which is for an estimated or theoretical amount 要有實際的金額在修理費上 不能虛構
4. Borrowing expenses S25-25
What are the borrowing expenses?
loan establishment fees,
title search fees charged by the lender,
costs for preparing and filing mortgage documents,
mortgage broker fees,
stamp duty charged on the mortgage,
fees for a valuation required for loan approval,
lender’s mortgage insurance (LMI) billed to the borrower
Above those are capital in nature and therefore are not deductible under s 8-1.
s 25-25 provides a specific deduction for expenditure used in borrowing money used to produce assessable income as follows:
The total borrowing expenses are $100 or less a deduct the whole amount in the year incurred
the total borrowing expenses are more than $100, deduct them:
over the period of the loan
Five years, whichever period is less.
the deduction must be determined from the date the money was borrowed, and you can only claim the proportion related to the income-producing use.
Note: If you repay the loan early (and in less than five years), you can claim a deduction for the balance of the borrowing expenses in the income year that the loan is repaid in full.
Note that the following amounts are not borrowing expenses:
Insurance policy premiums on policy that provides for your loan to be paid out in the event that you die or become disabled or unemployed private expense, not deductible.
Stamp duty charged on the transfer of the property 房地產轉讓,所收取的應花稅
Stamp duty incurred to acquire a leasehold interest in the property (such as a 99-year Crown lease in the Australian Capital Territory (ACT)) may be claimable as a lease document expense if the property is income-producing. 獲得房產的租賃權益所產生的印花稅
Interest expenses a deductible under s 8-1 to the extent that the borrowed money is used to produce assessable income.
The loan amount, or repayments of principal against the loan balance
5. Mortgage discharge expenses - S25-30 抵押貸款解除費用
Mortgage discharge expenses are the costs involved in discharging a mortgage other than payments of principal and interest. These costs are deductible in the year they are incurred to the extent that the mortgage was taken out as security for the repayment of money the taxpayer borrowed for an income-producing use: s 25-30
6. Bad debts S25-35
Section 25-35 provides a balancing adjustment to offset an amount previously assessed as income. 提供平衡調整,以抵消以前評估為收入的金額
must satisfy the following requirements in s 25-35(1)
1. There is a debt in existence at the time the taxpayer is trying to write it off 2. It must be ‘bad’ - an allowance is not sufficient; it must be that a reasonable businessperson would regard it as unlikely that it will be repaid: GE Crane Sales Pty Ltd v FCT (1971) 126 CLR 177 3. Must be written off in the income year (need some evidence in writing and a signed resolution in the income year, but it’s not necessary to write it off in the books): Point v FCT (1970) 119 CLR 453 4. Must have been included in the taxpayer’s assessable income or in respect of money lent in the ordinary course of a business of lending money.
Note: A deduction for bad debt is not available to taxpayers who record income on a cash basis (unless they carry on a money lending business).
7. Loss by theft 被偷竊所造成的損失 S25-45
A deduction is available under s 25-45 for a loss of money caused by theft, stealing, embezzlement, larceny, misappropriation etc. by the taxpayer’s employee or agent, but only where:
The stolen money was included in the taxpayer’s assessable income in the current or earlier income year. 被盜用的費用需要包含納稅人在當前收入年度或之前的應稅收入中,才可以享有S25-45 的抵扣
The deduction is available in the income year that the taxpayer discovers the loss.
Any amount subsequently recouped by the taxpayer in relation to the loss may be included in their assessable income under Subdiv 20-A ITAA97.
Note: This section would not cover a partner in a partnership for amounts stolen by another partner
8. Payments to associations | s 25-55
membership of a trade, business or professional association is directly linked to a taxpayer’s current employment, they will be able to claim a deduction for the annual membership fees under s 8-1
one-off joining fees are not deductible under s 8-1 as they would fail the first negative limb being capital in nature.
These capital costs may instead be deducted under s 25-55, but the maximum amount deductible under this section is $42 for payments made to any one association.
rely on this section to claim up to $42 of their professional membership fees after they retire or change occupations (as the fees would no longer be deductible under s 8-1 as the nexus to producing assessable income would no longer exist).
9. Gifts and donations | Div 30
Deductions for donations and gifts need a specific deductibility section, as they usually have no relationship to gaining or producing assessable income.
there is no legislative definition of a gift, but to be deductible it needs to be a voluntary payment given with no service or reward expected in return
Where a material advantage is received in return, such as:
a discount on school fees
the receipt of goods such as chocolates or a box of lamingtons, a t-shirt, raffle tickets,
Public recognition that is used in the donor’s advertising or marketing.
以上不能在Div30 享有抵扣
Note: A tax deduction is not considered to be a material benefit for the purpose of Div 30
For a gift to be deductible under Div 30:
The recipient must be endorsed by the Commissioner or be listed explicitly by name in ITAA97, or its regulations as a deductible gift recipient (DGR): s 30-17
The following conditions must be satisfied: (a) the gift must not be made by will (unless under the Cultural Bequests Program); 不能是透過遺囑進行(文化遺址計畫除外) (b) each gift must be of $2 or more in either money or property other than money; 必須是兩元以上貨幣價值或貨幣以外的財產 (c) if property other than money is given, the property must either have been purchased by the person making the gift during the 12 months before the gift is made or be valued by the Commissioner at more than $5,000; and 如果是貨幣以外的財產,必須符合贈送前12個月內購買&專員估價後有超過5000澳幣的價值 (d) the recipient of the gift must be in Australia.
Deductibility of gifts or donations under s 8-1
Where a gift or donation other than a political gift or donation is not deductible under Div 30, it may be deductible under s 8-1.
10. Tax losses | Div 36
A taxpayer incurs a tax loss in an income year where their Deductions > Assessable income. If a taxpayer has a net loss for the income year rather than an amount of taxable income, they will not be liable to pay any income tax.
Division 36 allows tax losses to be carried forward and applied against assessable income in a subsequent income year.
Unutilised losses can be carried forward indefinitely until 未使用的損失可以無限期結轉 - death (for individuals), or - for as long as the loss recoupment tests are satisfied in the case of companies.
Deductions (excluding prior year tax losses) – Assessable income – Net exempt income Net exempt income = Exempt income – Losses or outgoings in producing exempt income – any foreign tax paid.