MindMap Gallery GreenWay
GreenWay typically denotes a streamlined and expedited process designed to enhance efficiency and reduce delays. Visualized through platforms like EdrawMind, the Green Channel illustrates a dedicated pathway that prioritizes specific tasks or services, ensuring swift completion and optimal resource utilization. EdrawMind's visualization tools can depict the various stages, stakeholders involved, and key milestones within the Green Channel, offering a clear overview of its operational dynamics. Embracing the concept of a Green Channel signifies a commitment to efficiency, responsiveness, and customer satisfaction, ensuring that essential processes flow seamlessly, unencumbered by unnecessary obstacles.
Edited at 2023-04-19 18:07:10GreenWay
"Your Account": Account information, change password, deactivate account.
"Security and account acess": Seccutriy, apps and sessions, and connected accounts
'Privacy and safety": Account privacy, direct messages, spaces, contacts, loaction information, ads preferences
Payment options
Community Section
Landing Page
For You Section
Tech cloud based on interest (tweets, hastags, etc), GW boosted spaces. Ads, verifed users posts - includes stories, spaces, and tweets.
Based on who you are following: stories and spaces will have an aesthatical sepration for instance stories can be on right and space on left scroallable, store would have same aesthatics like a tweet but nature would be different it takes you to the store's page to the corrsponding product, and tweets.
Things that are trending, hashtags, topics, people, news aggregator display in style of tweet with headline and a pic user would be able to comment, replies etc and spaces.
You will be able to tweet anything, capabilities to add videos and photo to tweet, hastags and location, and also quote other tweets.
You can edit tweet after post, will show that you edited with a icon
Your tweet may or may not end up in the for you section for others, depends on if your account is private or not, also depends if you are verified or not.
You can like, repost, and quote tweet other tweets
You can DM anyone and they can reply back to you, you will see all private conversations you have done, including with sellers.
Can create groups with only people you follow who follow you back, maximum 10 people per groupchat.
On both following and for you
Creator of the space
Be able to turn on your video and mic, vice versa (max 3 people with video on), capability yo raise you hand so everyone can see you want to speak
Invite speakers onto your space
Privacy of the spaces: If you join a space, no matter if you are private account or not, the public will join, unless the creator or moderator makes the entier space PRIVATE.
Moderator will be able to mute users, close their videos, or kick users out.
You will be able to join as a listner
Request to join as a speaker.
you can post photos and videos to your follwers and may or may not end up in the for you for other users, depends on if you are verified or not also depends on if you are a private account or not
Story Icon bar will also work for showing who is on a space, the space logo will only have a colour differecnatior and a mini logo of the space to show the specfic user in a space.
Follower can click on the space story and see a prompt for joining the space but if they choose not to they can click on the right side to continue seeing stories.
Search bar
Here you can see trending topics, people, and hastags
You can search for specfic @'s (this will also show users with a similar @) or search a name and see other people with that same name
User profiles
Profile photo, banner, bio bages for the movement you support, badges
You can see their tweets on one sections, replies on another, and direct store on another. If they post a product that would come up on their feed.
Even if the seller is private on social media, the account is shown on the marketplace, no matter what.
You can change your username, name, bio, location, badges all from the your own profile - dont go to settings.
Verification badges ( would be a mini logo next to profile photo).
You can apply for a green badge
Selected for golden badge
GreenWay Activists have a seperate badge.
Internalised advertisment
between tweets, in text threads
In between two different users storylines. As the advertiser chooses
External Ads
Within story lines.
Anyone can be a seller
Tap Sell
Enter in specifics and details of the product, up to 6 images of the product can be added. You can add tags, hashtags, size of product, bio, condition of product, category of product, colour, and price of product + shipping and service fee. You, as a seller, can also choose to round up the price of your product and send that addition fee to the GreenWay charity. Sellers can choose to make item refundable or not (by nature it should be non-refundable).
As a seller you are able to boost your product. This includes being able to get your product boosted to the landing page but also it being brought up in its specific categories. The product boost also works as an advertisment which would be shown on the social media section of the app/website.
Give sellers a seller portal/dashbaord .Allow vendors to view all transactions (total earning, total sales, total admin commission, total payout, and remaining payout) on their panel.The sellers can view the total earnings of their store Day, Month & Year-wise by the help of a vivid chart & grid representation. Allow vendors to make the withdrawal request for their remaining amount via their panel. Allow adding different product types to the seller (simple, downloadable, virtual, configurable). Display sales reports by using charts, sales by location, sales stats, and filter the reports by year, month, week, and day in the seller dashboard.
Sellers can also use the money they have in the dashboard as credits to purchase something or put into a product boost in the app/website, if they choose not to withdraw.
Sellers must also see the impact (carbon credits) that they have made per sale. This should include, water saved, C02 emissions, pollution avoided, etc. This is all calculated and put into the dashboard and the landing page for the marketplace.
You should be able to choose where you ad goes, how much money you will put into keeping the ad running, the target audience.
Companies can also be sellers
Companies should have a similar selling experience but with a much more detailed and full dashboard.
If GreenWay brings on a company, they must have specific way to become a seller, throuhg a link GreenWay sends them. GreenWay would be able to give them a publicly seen tag that will differentiate them from every other seller.
Refurbishers will be controlled by admins, their pages, their products, all details.
Buyers should have the option to put in their size details for clothing and shoewear in at the first sign in, and the ability to change these details at any time. These details will automatically show them only their size clothing first and then as they go down feeds, it can become different sizes.
Buyers can like, retweet, and comment on product posts. All these actions would be shown on the social media.
Buyers can purchase the product
Buyers have the option to round their purchase up to the next dollar for tree plantation
Buyer will get an email straight after purchase with confirmation and shipping details.
Buyers can also private message sellers to talk or negiotate the price with them. When negotiating the price on an item the buyer can send the seller clickable offers, once the cliclable offer is sent the buy can accept or deny the offer. If the offer is accepted then the money will be drawn out of the buyers payment method and into the seller dashboard.
Buyers must link their payment methods, wether thats paypal, debit card, klarna, shop pay, etc
Buyers can issue returns,only within 30 days and only if product is refundable
They must talk directly with the seller, through email or private message, give both options at all times
If they are not assisting, buyer can contact greenway team for help.
If refund is issued with refurbisher, buyer will contact refurbisher. Refurbished electronics have 30 money back guarantee, and 12 month warranty.
If they are not assisting, buyer can contact greenway for help
Random User
Login/Sign up screen
Signs in, email and number - gmail, etc
Can use any section with all abilities
Bypass's screen
When clicks on, likes or retweets prodcuct, sign up/in screen again
When clicks on any major feature on social media section, sign up/in screen again
Carbon Credits
Users must also see the impact (carbon credits) that they have made per sale. This should include, water saved, C02 emissions, pollution avoided, trees planted, etc. This is all calculated and put into the dashboard and the landing page for the marketplace, as well as on their own user profile.
The users must be able to see their own impact, but also the entire userbases impact combined, this data would be seperate but also claculated per purchase, per plantation.
The full data should be sent to and pdated instantly on the admin panel, with links to multiple running excel sheets - which would be working only for the admins to see the numbers. this is crucial.