MindMap Gallery Customer Conversation Hierarchy
The "Customer Conversation Hierarchy" template from Edraw Mind Map provides a framework for organizing and analyzing customer interactions. Ideal for sales professionals, marketers, and customer service teams, it facilitates deeper understanding and connection with clients.
Edited at 2024-01-28 17:28:26客户聊天的四个层次
第一层次:是关于情趣喜好方面,如兴趣爱好,生活习惯等等。The first level: About tastes and preferences, such as hobbies, living habits, etc.
我是来自美国的Rose Kodon,我可以知道你的名字吗?I'm Rose Kodon from the United States. May I know your name?
我今年31岁,我能知道你的年龄吗?I'm 31 years old. May I know your age?
如果你不介意的话,请问你是做什么工作的?If you don't mind me asking, what do you do for a living?
你的工作我知道,今年5月份我曾返回纽约看望父母,遇到了小时候经常一起玩的伙伴。他从事的行业与你相同,据他说每个月可以得到4000美元,在你的国家也是一样的吗?I know about your job, I had returned to New York to visit my parents in May this year and met my partner who I used to play with when I was a kid. He works in the same industry as you and according to him he gets 4000 dollars a month, is it the same in your country?
车和房 car and house
聊房子:问客户房价进行对比是否定居当地,聊客户如何看待当地房价 聊车子:单位到家有多远,平车开车回家要多久 Chat about the house: ask customers to compare the price of housing whether to settle in the local, talk about how customers see the local housing prices Talking about cars: how far is it from the flat to the home, and how long does it take to drive home by flat car?
感情状况relationship status
你是单身吗? 你结过婚吗? 你有小孩吗? Are you single? Have you ever been married? Do you have children?
你平常有什么爱好? What are your usual hobbies? 我喜欢旅行、健身、射击和斯诺克,也会收藏一些NFT艺术品。我最喜欢的就是斯诺克,你了解斯诺克吗? I like traveling, fitness, shooting and snooker, and I also collect some NFT artworks. My favorite is snooker. Do you know snooker?
第二层次:是关于态度方面,如对政府的看法,对某人、某机构的态度或看法等等。The second level: It is about attitudes, such as views on the government, attitudes or views on a person or an institution, etc.
通过买特斯拉汽车延伸今天所有的活动与话题。Expand on all of today's events and topics by buying a Tesla car
在这段时间里,我在加密资产领域赚了一些钱,今天我想购买一辆特斯拉电动汽车。During this time I have made some money in the crypto asset space and today I want to buy a Tesla electric car.
我们自己的偶像是梅隆-马斯克。Our own idol is Mellon Musk.
了解客户对 Mellon Musk 的看法。Find out what customers think about Mellon Musk
了解客户如何分析具体问题。Understanding how clients analyze specific problems
第三层次:是关于自我意识和个人的人际关系状况,比如自己的社会关系情况,自己的情绪,与家人、朋友的关系等等。 The third level: Regarding self-awareness and personal interpersonal relationships, such as one's own social relationships, one's own emotions, relationships with family and friends, etc.
我的父母都是中学教师,工资微薄。我的爷爷奶奶都患有老年痴呆症,生活无法自理。我的姑姑忙于工作,无暇照顾我的爷爷奶奶。因此,照顾爷爷奶奶的责任就落在了我父母身上。Both of my parents are secondary school teachers with meager salaries. My grandparents both suffer from Alzheimer's disease and are unable to take care of themselves. My aunt is too busy working to take care of my grandparents. Therefore, the responsibility of taking care of my grandparents falls on my parents! 小时候,我喜欢跳舞,但舞蹈课上同学们都嘲笑我。他们说没有黄色的天鹅,只有白色的天鹅。When I was little, I loved to dance, but my classmates laughed at me in dance class. They said there were no yellow swans, only white ones
由于从小受到歧视,我不想与人交流,只想努力学习。Due to discrimination since childhood, I didn't want to interact with people and just wanted to study hard.
因为小时候受到过歧视,所以长大后我更渴望被社会接纳。这也是我时常参加福利活动和社区服务的原因。Because I was discriminated against as a child, I grew up with a greater desire to be accepted by society. This is why I participate in welfare activities and community services from time to time.
轮椅捐赠、养老院捐赠。Wheelchair donation, nursing home donation
第四层次:是关于隐私方面,比如自己的不为人知的秘密,不被社会所接受的一些态度、想法和行为等等 The fourth level: It is about privacy, such as your own unknown secrets, some attitudes, thoughts and behaviors that are not accepted by society, etc.
其实这些年不管是事业还是感情我都经历了很多,也学会了很多,但有时候总会觉得莫名的感伤。In fact, I have experienced a lot in both career and relationships over the years, and I have learned a lot, but sometimes I always feel inexplicably sentimental.
因为有时候我的妈妈总是在问我现在这个年纪已经不小了,也许需要找一个依靠过生活了,每次聊到这个话题我总是不知道如何作答。Because sometimes my mother always asks me that I am no longer young now, maybe I need to find someone to rely on to live my life. Every time this topic comes up, I always don’t know how to answer.
其实我一直都不想谈论感情方面的问题,但是这段时间跟你相处总觉得很多话都可以跟你聊,也许你会成为一个很好的倾听者。In fact, I have never wanted to talk about emotional issues, but during this period of time with you, I always feel that I can talk to you about a lot of things, and maybe you will become a good listener.
跟你聊着聊着让我想起往事就想哭,你知道吗?其实我有谈过两次恋爱,但都失败了。Chatting with you makes me want to cry when I think of the past, you know? In fact, I fell in love twice, but both failed.
我的第一段感情是发生在我大学期间,因为当初我们都很单纯,心想着只要在一起就算是远隔山海我们也不怕,但是在后来大学毕业以后我们各奔东西,都有了自己的生活最后选择了分开,也许那个时候在错的时间遇到对的人吧,人生总是留有些许的遗憾。My first relationship happened when I was in college, because we were very innocent at first, thinking that as long as we were together, we would not be afraid even if we were separated by mountains and seas. But after graduating from college, we went our separate ways and had our own lives. In the end, we chose to separate in our lives. Maybe we met the right person at the wrong time at that time. Life always leaves some regrets.
我的第二段感情伤害我是最深的,也是因为和前男友分开之后一直单身至今。My second relationship hurt me the most, also because I have been single since I broke up with my ex-boyfriend.
这段感情我一直以为我找到了一生中的伴侣,但是最后总是不尽人意。I always thought I had found the partner of my life in this relationship, but in the end it was always unsatisfactory.
我的第二段感情发生在2019年,其实我和前男友早在2018年就认识了,我们是因为参加朋友的聚会认识的。 那个时候我不小心把酒洒在了他身上,他好心的原谅了我,就像电影里的场景一样。在那之后我们就慢慢认识了,后来我们决定2019年情人节在一起。我对感情很专一也很认真,所以会调查很久。My second relationship happened in 2019. In fact, my ex-boyfriend and I met as early as 2018. We met because we attended a friend’s party. At that time, I accidentally spilled wine on him, and he kindly forgave me, just like a scene in a movie. We got to know each other slowly after that, and then we decided to get together on Valentine’s Day in 2019. I am very dedicated and serious about relationships, so I will investigate for a long time.
我现在是一个很有自己想法的女人。过去,我可能会看重一个人的经济基础和个人能力,或者是这个人给我的基本印象。但现在,我一定会选择一个愿意学习和成长、有自己的理想并愿意为之付诸行动的人。只有这样的人,将来对事物的判断才能上升到一定的高度和层次。我不需要在经济上依赖任何人,但我希望我和未来的伴侣能够共同进步、共同成长。I am now a woman of my own mind. In the past, I might look at a person's financial foundation and personal ability, or the basic impression the person gives me. But now, I will definitely choose someone who is willing to learn and grow, who has his own ideals and is willing to put them into action. Only such a person will be able to rise to a certain height and level of judgment on things in the future. I don't need to be financially dependent on anyone, but I want my future partner and I to progress and grow together.
我的前男友他是做服装生意的,他是意大利人,那段时间也是我们职业生涯的开始, 我们共同努力共同进步,你应该知道和相爱的人有着共同的事业和目标是多么令人怀念。My ex, he was in the clothing business, he was Italian, and that was the beginning of our careers, we worked together to progress together, and you should know how nostalgic it is to have a common career and goals with someone you love.
那个时候生活虽然艰辛,但风雨兼程,到2019年,我才通过阿姨了解了数字货币合约交易项目,并获得了惊人的回报。从那时起,我们各自的事业开始发展,进入了事业的黄金时期,我们的爱情也与日俱增。从那时起我们就一直计划结婚。Life was tough at that time but through thick and thin, it was only in 2019 that I got to know about the digital currency contract trading program through my aunty and it paid off amazingly. From then on, our respective careers took off and we entered the golden age of our careers and our love grew with each passing day. We have been planning to get married ever since.
但是在我们婚礼前夕,COVID-19 来袭了,我们分居两地,他在意大利,我在美国。 我们仍然每天保持联系,但有一天他突然与我失去了联系。,从此不告而别。But on the eve of our wedding, COVID-19 hit, and we were separated, he in Italy and I in the US. We still kept in touch every day, but one day he suddenly lost contact with me. He left without saying goodbye.
后来是我朋友告诉我,他回到意大利以后,一个人沉迷于赌博,输光了他所有的生意资金,从那以后他去找他的初恋选择了和他的初恋在一起,这一切对我来说就像是背叛。Then it was my friend who told me that after he came back to Italy, he got addicted to gambling alone and lost all his business money, and from there he went to his first love and chose to be with his first love, and it all felt like a betrayal to me.
是啊,人生就是这样,每个阶段都会遇到不一样的人,每个人都会交给我们不一样的东西。Life is like this, we will meet different people at every stage, and everyone will give us different things.
你是一个善良的人,和你说说话心里舒服多了,我很多年没有这样跟一个异性朋友交谈了,早些时候心情经常糟糕,要是早些时候认识你就好了。You are a kind person, and I feel much better talking to you. I haven’t talked to a friend of the opposite sex like this in many years. I was often in a bad mood earlier. I wish I had known you earlier.
找到时机,告诉客户自己以前的投资经历。Find the time to tell your clients about your previous investment experience
I invested in real estate, but due to viruses and wars, real estate doesn't always go up. In this case, it started to slow down. It is not wise to invest heavily in real estate because you never know what the mood of the market will be. Once you take your money out then the house can only be used as a means of preserving value, in fact, that's what I did. It is used for preservation, not investment.
I have also invested in Amazon and Google and Apple, and these are the ones that I prepared as long term investments because these are the companies that have potential in the stock market and I did make a lot of money.
But the market capitalization is so high right now that the economy simply can't pull that much value, and there are a lot of stocks that are getting hyped up. I experienced monopolization two years ago, and twice more, and it's getting more frequent, and the bubble economy is so bad that I need to get out of the wind. So I'm getting out of the stock market for now and picking the winds of the future
If one holds it consistently. You can surely make a big profit
But for me the time cost is too high and I will take the time cost into consideration.