MindMap Gallery HTML5 related knowledge summary summary mind map
What is HTML5? How to study? HTML5 is a language description method for structuring web content. HTML5 is the next generation standard of the Internet and a language method for constructing and presenting Internet content. It is considered to be one of the core technologies of the Internet. HTML was created in 1990, and HTML4 became an Internet standard in 1997 and is widely used in the development of Internet applications. The following map summarizes HTML5 related knowledge for your reference and study.
Edited at 2018-12-19 12:05:18El cáncer de pulmón es un tumor maligno que se origina en la mucosa bronquial o las glándulas de los pulmones. Es uno de los tumores malignos con mayor morbilidad y mortalidad y mayor amenaza para la salud y la vida humana.
La diabetes es una enfermedad crónica con hiperglucemia como signo principal. Es causada principalmente por una disminución en la secreción de insulina causada por una disfunción de las células de los islotes pancreáticos, o porque el cuerpo es insensible a la acción de la insulina (es decir, resistencia a la insulina), o ambas cosas. la glucosa en la sangre es ineficaz para ser utilizada y almacenada.
El sistema digestivo es uno de los nueve sistemas principales del cuerpo humano y es el principal responsable de la ingesta, digestión, absorción y excreción de los alimentos. Consta de dos partes principales: el tracto digestivo y las glándulas digestivas.
El cáncer de pulmón es un tumor maligno que se origina en la mucosa bronquial o las glándulas de los pulmones. Es uno de los tumores malignos con mayor morbilidad y mortalidad y mayor amenaza para la salud y la vida humana.
La diabetes es una enfermedad crónica con hiperglucemia como signo principal. Es causada principalmente por una disminución en la secreción de insulina causada por una disfunción de las células de los islotes pancreáticos, o porque el cuerpo es insensible a la acción de la insulina (es decir, resistencia a la insulina), o ambas cosas. la glucosa en la sangre es ineficaz para ser utilizada y almacenada.
El sistema digestivo es uno de los nueve sistemas principales del cuerpo humano y es el principal responsable de la ingesta, digestión, absorción y excreción de los alimentos. Consta de dos partes principales: el tracto digestivo y las glándulas digestivas.
<body>URL content
body properties:
bgcolor: background color Background: background image Text: font color onload: called when loading
horizontal line
Font operations
Bold font
font italic
<font>: Color: font color Size: 1~7 font size
title tag
<h1>~<h6> Make the font bold, larger, and on its own line
paragraph tags
<p> Separate between paragraphs
ordinary link
<a href="address">link name</a>
anchor link
First define the location tag: <a name="ding"></a> Then use a hyperlink to jump to a predefined location: <a href="#ding">Back to top</a>
functional connection
QQ pop-up window: What is called is Tencent’s remote chat interface <a href="tencent://message/?uin=10001&Menu=yes"> <img border="0" src="http://wpa.qq.com/pa?p=1:615050000:10"/></a>
Image tags
<img src="Picture resource path" width="Width of the picture (px pixels or %)" title="Hover prompt text" alt="Prompt file for failed loading" border="Border 1 Yes 0 No" />
Ordered list:
<ol type="value"> <li>Banana</li> <li>Potato</li> <li>Yali</li> </ol>
Unordered list:
<ul type="value"> <li>Beijing</li> <li>Shanghai</li> <li>Guangzhou</li> </ul>
Quick creation
ul>li*4 tab key
table properties
border: table border, the value is int type, the larger the value, the thicker the line, 0 means none bordercolor: color of table frame cellspacing: the distance between cells width: width of the table, pixels or percentages height: height of the table, pixels or percentage bgcolor: background color of table or cell (applicable to table, tr, td) background: background image
Quick creation
<table> <tr> <td>1</td> <td>2</td> <td>3</td> </tr> <tr> <td>4</td> <td>5</td> <td>6</td> </tr> </table>
tr represents row td represents column
Merge Cells
colspan: merge horizontally with parallel (horizontal/left-right direction) rowspan: merge rows (vertical direction/up and down direction) merge vertically Note: Merge means multiple items become one, so any excess should be deleted!
form attributes:
- action: the destination of form submission - method: method of form submission get plain text (default)/post cipher text - enctype: encoding method (there are special elements in the form: only used when uploading images) onsubmit: event submission
<input type="x" name="y" placeholder="" disabled="disabled"> type: type name: name of the input box placeholder;prompt input box disabled: disabled
The value of type: text: text input box (default value) password: password input box checkbox: check box/multi-select box <-checked selects the selected element radio: radio button submit: Submit button (you can use value to override the default button name) reset: reset button (you can use value to override the default button name) button: button -In form: equivalent to submit button - Outside the form: ordinary button color: color palette date:calendar month:monthly calendar week weekly calendar number:numeric field -min minimum value -max maximum value -step jumps by multiples of input range: slide search search box
<select> <option>Drop-down menu</option> ... </select>
scroll bar
Lenovo input box
Be consistent
Expandable content area
References to other pages (with hyperlinks)
<a href="Open page or picture" target="xy">Chapter 1</a> <br /><br /> <a href="Open page or picture" target="xy">Chapter 2</a> <br /><br /> <a href="Open page or picture" target="xy">Chapter 3</a> <br /><br /> <iframe name="xy" width="400px" height="300px"></iframe>
target: The target of opening the web page is the xy position
media label
Show playback controls
automatic cycle
structure tag div
Derive many div child elements based on div, and they can be used as divs Each child element has its own name to complete the "semantic" description of the div. Semanticization: similar to "knowing the meaning by seeing the name" in the specification of Java variable naming
content area in web page
Content outside the article
Combination of content and title
Pictures and texts
Header of web page
bottom of page
clear float:both sides
<style>css style
Use three methods:
inline styles
written inside the opening tag
<p style="color:red;">HTML</p>
internal style
Written between </head><body>
external style sheet
Create a .css file and write in it
Definition:<link href="css/01.css" rel="stylesheet"/>
css priority
The principle of proximity
element selector
Use the tag name as the target of modification
class selector class
Format: .class name{}
Further filter the element selector
ID selector id
Format: #id name{}
Taking class selectors one step further
selector group
derived selector
Descendant selector (select all)
Format:div p{}
Descendant selector(selector)
Pseudo class selector
Not clicked
Format: a:link{}
After clicking
Format: a:hover{}
Click and hold
The four pseudo-classes must be in a certain order, otherwise they will be invalid lvha
background color
Background picture
background tiling
By default, the background image is "tiled" on the x and y axes. Use background-repeat to control how tiling works:
repeat: Default value, tiling in x and y directions
repeat-x: tiling in x direction
repeat-y: tiling in the y direction
no-repeat: no tiling
background pan
background scroll
background-attachment: scroll; background scroll (default value)
background-attachment: fixed; The background does not move
background size
contain: Zoom to the size of the background area (the background image is fully displayed) cover: Scale to completely cover the background area (leave no blank space)
background position
padding-box: (default)
background crop
padding-box: (default)
Cut on four sides
Four sides, set at the same time: border:3px solid red;
Text overflow handling
auto: Adaptive, if it exceeds the limit, scroll bars will be added, otherwise no scroll bars will be added.
hidden: hidden if exceeded
RGB color
box model
margin margin
on top
padding padding
text style
font-family:"Microsoft Yahei";
font size
font color
Text alignment (left, center, right)
text-align: center;
Bold font
font-weight: bold;
Center line (delete line)
text-decoration: line-through;
text-decoration: overline;
background color
background: brown;
Height (height of the house)
height: 150px;
Line height of text (human height)
text-indent: 30px;
table style
Merge cell borders
border-collapse: collapse;
list style
list-style-type: none;
list-style-type: decimal;
lowercase roman
list-style-type: lower-roman;
Capital Roman
list-style-type: upper-roman;
black spots
list-style-type: disc;
list-style-type: square;
list-style-type: circle;
Replace list item tags with images
list-style-image: url(img/1.png);
Change to landscape orientation via float positioning
Mouse style
default: pointer
pointer: finger
crosshair: cross
text: focus
wait: wait
positioning style
Classification of elements
All element tags have their own classification, block level or row level
Block level elements:
h1~h6, p, div, etc...
Top-down, vertical orientation (word wrapping): width and height can be changed
inline elements
a,b,span etc...
Left to right, horizontal orientation (no line wrapping): cannot change width and height
Inline block elements:
input, img, etc...
Left to right, horizontal direction (word wrapping): width and height can be changed
Default targeting
Block level element display
Default Display
Inline element display
Cannot change width and height
Inline block element display
Can change width and height
floating positioning
A floated element can be moved left or right until its outer edge touches the parent element pixel or the border of another floated box Floated elements are still located within the parent element
float left
float right
relative positioning
The distance between this element and adjacent elements
position: relative
absolute positioning
The distance between this element and the grandfather element
Fixed positioning
Keep element position unchanged
z-axis (overlay display)
The larger the value, the closer to the face (closer to the face)
z-index: numerical value
Hidden text
Hidden text
Remove underline from hyperlink
<style>css3 style
rounded corners
border-radius:50%;/*border rounded corners 50%*/(circle)
border-radius: upper left px, upper right px, lower right px, lower left px;
border-radius: upper left (upper right) px upper right (lower left) px;
box shadow
box-shadow: horizontal offset px vertical offset px blur size px shadow size px shadow color;
text shadow
text-shadow: color of shadow, horizontal direction px, vertical direction px, blur size px;
linear gradient
background:linear-gradient([to direction] color list);
radial gradient
background:radial-gradient(color list);
The color list can have N numbers
transition animation
You can only control the beginning and end, but not the process in between.
transition: css attribute of transition or animation simulation, time s used to complete the transition, transition function [delay time of transition start];
Not all attributes support transition, CSS3 only develops some attributes
Transition function:
Default. Fast to slow
Uniform speed
slow down
Accelerate first and then slow down
From one state to another, every point in time in the process can be controlled.
Define animation:
@keyframes animation name{ start from{color,shape,distance...} to{color, shape, distance...} end }
@keyframes animation name{ 0%{color, shape, distance...} ... 100%{color, shape, distance...} }
Bind animation
element selector { animation: animation name, execution time s, transition function, number of executions [alternate round-trip execution]; }
Wireless execution times
JS is a web programming technology used to add interactive behavior
js is an interpreted (scripting) language. The browser interprets and executes the code without pre-processing. Compile.
Use three ways
Inside the industry
<input type="button" value="Brother click me" onclick="alert('嘤嘤嘤')";
Binding event
<script> alert("helloworld!") </script>
Create a file with the suffix ".js"
Definition:<script src="01.js"></script>
Priority: Who is on top? Who should be executed first?
Because JavaScript is a weakly typed language, when defining variables, all data types are declared using var;
Numeric type: number
String: string uses double quotes or single quotes
Boolean type: true=1 | false=0 (converted into 1 and 0 during operation)
automatic type conversion
number string = string
Boolean number = number
boolean string = string
boolean boolean = number
conversion function
Convert any type to string
Convert string to integer
Convert string to decimal
Query (judge) the current type of value
Cannot convert returns NaN
Prompt output box
Prompt input box
console output
Output the content of the page
Operator/Flow Control
Arithmetic operations
relational operations
Strictly equal
===Same type and value
not strictly equal
logic operation
ternary arithmetic
Loop structure
Conditional judgment
Common objects
Create string object
var str="helloworld";
var str=new String("helloworld");
Commonly used methods:
No matter what data type, it is Array
Three ways to initialize an array
var arr1 = new Array(); arr1[0] = 10; arr1[1] = 20; arr1[2] = 30; console.info( arr1 );
var arr2 = new Array(10,'a',true); console.info( arr2 );
var arr3 = [5,'b',false]; console.info( arr3 );
Two-dimensional array
The elements in the array are an array.
Commonly used methods for arrays:
Numeric Math
Round to whole number
Returns a random number between 0 ~ 1.
max(x,y) returns the highest value between x and y. min(x,y) returns the lowest value between x and y.
Number encapsulation class
var data = 23.56789; alert(data.toFixed(2));//23.57
Convert a numerical value to a string and retain a certain number of digits after the decimal point
RegExpregular expression
Common methods
Returns true if the string string contains text that matches the RegExp , otherwise return false
null and undefined
There is an object, but it is worthless
No target
Function (like java method)
function definition
Defined by keyword function
The definition rules of function names are consistent with identifiers and are case-sensitive.
You can use variables, constants, or expressions as arguments to function calls
The return value must use return
function function name (parameter) { function body; return return value; }
function without parameters
function abc(){ for(var i = 1;i<=5;i){ console.info(i); } }
function with parameters
function he(a,b){ alert(a b); }
For functions with parameters, do not add data types when defining them.
function with return value
arguments parameter object
function he(a,b){ alert(a b); console.info( arguments.length ); //Number of parameters console.info( arguments[0] ) ;//The value of b }
arguments.length gets the number of parameter lists arguments[subscript] gets the parameters at a certain position
anonymous function
A function without a name can only be executed this time (similar to Java's anonymous inner class)
global function
They are all predefined and js prepares them for us. Just reference it directly with the method name.
parseInt() | parseFloat()
isNaN() determines whether it contains characters
eval(): used to convert operations in strings
DOM object
Elements are a mechanism inside JavaScript that converts all elements in an HTML page into objects. This mechanism is "DOM" Each document is a document object.
How to find element nodes:
Get the unique object through the id value
document.getElementById(id value)
Get multiple matching objects through the name attribute value
document.getElementsByName( name value )
Get multiple matching objects through tag names
document.getElementsByTagName(tag name)
Case: Login verification
Case: interlaced color change
Case: Select all effects
Modify node style:
Format: element object.style.css attribute name="attribute value";
For example: node.style.color = "red"; node.style.fontSize = "10em"; Modify multiple styles at the same time: className = "class name";
Case: class attributes
Hierarchical search node
Because there is a blank node between the div and p tags to be parsed, #text will appear, which belongs to the text node. remove white space
Node type:
select element operation
table table element object
Create node
delete and replace
BOM browser object
window window object
alert(prompt message)
Prompt dialog box
confirm (prompt message)
Whether dialog box, returns Boolean type
prompt(prompt message,[content])
input dialog
Close current browser window
window.open (open web page address, window name, [parameters])
Open a new browser window
window timer
setTnterval(1,2); 1: Repeated actions (functions) 2: Time interval (milliseconds)
periodic timer
clearInterval(timer object)
Stop scheduled tasks
setTimeout(1,2) 1. Function to be executed 2, interval (milliseconds)
One-time timer, similar to delay effect
screen object
screen.width screen.height
Get screen resolution
historical trace objects
Back to previous
If num is positive, it means moving forward If num is negative, it means going back
Return to previous page
location object
location.href=The destination of page jump
Case page jump
mouse events
mouse click event
Mouse double click event
mouseover event
mouse leave event
Keyboard events
keyboard press event
Keyboard release event
status event
get focus
lose focus
Triggered on change
Case: Provincial and municipal cascading effects
The default mechanism for events
The triggering sequence of events is from the inside to the outside, which is the bubbling mechanism.
If two buttons fall together, both clicks will be triggered by default.
Cancel the bubbling mechanism:
Mouse electric shock x and y coordinates
occur target
Object-oriented basics
Three ways to create objects
use object
Use constructor
Use literals (JSNO objects)
JSNO object
Create jsno object
Create jsno array
json complex object
JQuery framework
1. jquery is developed by js, so jquery itself is javascript
jquery-3.3.1.js development environment jquery-3.3.1.min.js for production environment
Simple interlaced color change
<script src="js/jquery-3.3.1.js"></script> <script> $(function(){ $("tr:odd").css("background","blue"); $("tr:even").css("background","red"); }); </script>
Powerful selector
basic selector
tag selector
id selector
class selector
Selector 1, Selector 2. . .
level selector
descendant selector
$("#d2 p")
p1 p2
descendant selector
neighbor brothers
$("#d2 p")
all the brothers behind
All the p’s after
Basic filter selector
first element
last element
Does not contain elements in not (filtering)
Elements with odd subscripts
elements with even subscripts
Elements with equal subscripts
element greater than subscript
Elements smaller than the subscript
Content filter selector
Fuzzy query content The element content contains all p elements of is
Select elements with empty content
visibility selector
(Seconds) Display the hidden text of p element
form selector
:input selects all input boxes :text selects all text boxes : password selects all password boxes : radio selects all radio buttons : checkbox select all checkboxes :submit selects all submit buttons : reset selects all reset buttons : button selects all buttons : file selects all file fields : hidden selects all hidden fields
attribute selector
Attributes begin to contain xx
The end of the attribute contains xx
The attribute contains xx
form filter
Select all disabled elements
Select all available elements
Select selected elements
Attribute functions:
Get the title attribute value of img
Get the value of the input box
Get the plain text content inside the div
Get all the content in the div (html tag text value)
set up
Set the title attribute value of img
Set the value of the input box
Set the plain text content inside the div
Set all content inside the div (html tag text value)
Remove the title attribute value of img
style function
$("p").addClass("class style");
Add class styles to elements
$("p").removeClass("class style");
Remove class style from element
$("p").toggleClass("class style");
Switch style (yes->no, no->yes)
$("p").css("css attribute")
Get the value of the css attribute of the p element
Set the value of the css attribute of the p element
$("p").css({"width": "150px",...});
Set the values of multiple css attributes of the p element (jsno)
Get the width of the element
Get the height of the element
Set the width of an element
Set the height of an element
The difference between h5 and h4
Documentation Statement
Character encoding design
Case insensitive
boolean attribute
Quotes omitted
end tag omitted