MindMap Gallery Educational Psychology-Problem Solving and Creativity
An article about educational psychology, problem solving and creative thinking maps, including the problem-solving process, problem-solving training, creative thinking, etc.
Edited at 2023-11-22 18:44:32El cáncer de pulmón es un tumor maligno que se origina en la mucosa bronquial o las glándulas de los pulmones. Es uno de los tumores malignos con mayor morbilidad y mortalidad y mayor amenaza para la salud y la vida humana.
La diabetes es una enfermedad crónica con hiperglucemia como signo principal. Es causada principalmente por una disminución en la secreción de insulina causada por una disfunción de las células de los islotes pancreáticos, o porque el cuerpo es insensible a la acción de la insulina (es decir, resistencia a la insulina), o ambas cosas. la glucosa en la sangre es ineficaz para ser utilizada y almacenada.
El sistema digestivo es uno de los nueve sistemas principales del cuerpo humano y es el principal responsable de la ingesta, digestión, absorción y excreción de los alimentos. Consta de dos partes principales: el tracto digestivo y las glándulas digestivas.
El cáncer de pulmón es un tumor maligno que se origina en la mucosa bronquial o las glándulas de los pulmones. Es uno de los tumores malignos con mayor morbilidad y mortalidad y mayor amenaza para la salud y la vida humana.
La diabetes es una enfermedad crónica con hiperglucemia como signo principal. Es causada principalmente por una disminución en la secreción de insulina causada por una disfunción de las células de los islotes pancreáticos, o porque el cuerpo es insensible a la acción de la insulina (es decir, resistencia a la insulina), o ambas cosas. la glucosa en la sangre es ineficaz para ser utilizada y almacenada.
El sistema digestivo es uno de los nueve sistemas principales del cuerpo humano y es el principal responsable de la ingesta, digestión, absorción y excreción de los alimentos. Consta de dos partes principales: el tracto digestivo y las glándulas digestivas.
Problem Solving and Creativity
Problems and problem solving
Questions and their classification
Problem: When an individual wants to do something and encounters something that cannot be accomplished directly, there is a problem. A problem is a situation in which there are some obstacles between the given information and the goal that need to be overcome.
generalization level
General questions: Point to a group of people or things with certain characteristics and have certain universal significance. Suitable for sampling and quantitative research
Particularity issues: pointing to special individuals or phenomena without broad generalization, suitable for individual cases and qualitative research
Relational questions: focus on the results of things or phenomena, the similarities, differences, and interrelationships between things or phenomena, suitable for quantitative research
Process issues: focus on the dynamic changes in the occurrence and development of things or phenomena, suitable for qualitative research
Content characteristics
Conceptual questions: The question content involves academic concepts
Empirical questions: Questions involving life experience
Value issues: Issues involving ethics and morals, judgments of right and wrong
Explore depth
Descriptive questions: describe the current situation of things and their changing processes
Interpretive questions: explaining the reasons why things change, suitable for quantitative research and qualitative research
Predictive problems: predicting future changes in things based on explanations of causal relationships, suitable for quantitative research
Domain scope
Single subject problem: it can be solved by knowledge of a certain subject
Interdisciplinary problems: multidisciplinary knowledge needs to be integrated to solve
Practical life problems: not directly affiliated with a certain subject, so that students can face interesting problems in life.
degree of organization
Well-structured questions: questions with clear target conditions and solutions
Ill-structured problems: problems with unclear goal conditions and solutions
The process of solving structural problems
Clarify the problem and its situational constraints
Clarify possible perspectives, positions and stakes
suggest possible solutions
Evaluate the effectiveness of various methods
Reflective monitoring of problem representation and solution
Implement and monitor solutions
Adjust solution
The definition of problem solving: refers to the cognitive process of converting the known situation into the target situation when the problem solver is faced with a problem situation and there is no ready-made method to use.
problem solving process
problem solving model
Theory: trial and error theory, epiphany theory, cognitive characteristics of problem solving
General problem solving process
Understanding and representing the problem stage
Identify valid information
Understand the meaning of information
overall representation
Problem classification
solution seeking stage
Algorithmic formula
mountain climbing
analogical thinking
Execute plan or attempt some kind of solution phase
Evaluation stage
problem solving training
Factors affecting problem solving
stimulus characteristics of the problem
functional fixation
reaction set
brewing effect
Problem-solving skills training
General Problem Solving Skills Mission
Creative Thinking Tutorial
Debono's cort tutorial
Critical Thinking Tutorial
Furstein’s Thinking Tools Strengthening Tutorial
Experts and novices
expert knowledge
Huge knowledge reserve
Unique way of organizing knowledge
Newbie misunderstandings
Cultivation of problem-solving abilities in teaching
Encourage questioning
Set questions of appropriate difficulty
Help students correctly represent problems
Help students develop the habit of analyzing problems
Tutoring students to retrieve information from memory
Train students to state their hypotheses and their steps
creative thinking
The nature and process of creative thinking
Essence: divergent thinking, convergent thinking
fluency of thinking
flexibility of thinking
originality of thought
The relationship between intelligence and other factors and creativity
Creativity seems to require above average intelligence
Studies on lateralization of the two hemispheres of the brain have also found that the right hemisphere is related to creativity
Thinking must be based on large amounts of information
Creativity is also affected by factors such as motivation and personality
Creative thinking training
brain stimulation
Legally divided
fantasy analogy
direct analogy
anthropomorphic analogy
symbolic analogy
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