MindMap Gallery Oxysera Product Development
This is a mind map about Oxysera Product Development, Main content: Product Development:, Target Marketing:, Goals Settings.The goals setting section outlines essential tasks such as gathering stakeholders, defining financial targets, and establishing key performance indicators (KPIs). In target marketing, the focus is on conducting competitive market research, defining the unique selling position (USP), and identifying target audiences.
Edited at 2024-10-07 21:27:20This is a mind map about Oxysera Product Development, Main content: Product Development:, Target Marketing:, Goals Settings.The goals setting section outlines essential tasks such as gathering stakeholders, defining financial targets, and establishing key performance indicators (KPIs). In target marketing, the focus is on conducting competitive market research, defining the unique selling position (USP), and identifying target audiences.
Mindmap tentang RLM tahun 2021. Tujuan agar semua memiliki objectives yg sama.
This is a mind map about Oxysera Product Development, Main content: Product Development:, Target Marketing:, Goals Settings.The goals setting section outlines essential tasks such as gathering stakeholders, defining financial targets, and establishing key performance indicators (KPIs). In target marketing, the focus is on conducting competitive market research, defining the unique selling position (USP), and identifying target audiences.
Mindmap tentang RLM tahun 2021. Tujuan agar semua memiliki objectives yg sama.
Oxysera Product Development
Goals Settings
Gather StakeHolders
Gather Stakeholders: Include the Oxysera product development team, marketing team, financial department, and external partners such as dermatologists or product formulators. Everyone’s input is valuable for setting realistic goals and aligning on strategies.
Financial targets
Setting financial targets for a new cosmetics brand is a crucial step in ensuring its financial health and long-term success. Financial targets provide clear goals for revenue, profitability, and cost management. Here’s a step-by-step guide to setting financial targets for your new cosmetics brand: 1. Estimate Start-Up and Operational Costs First, you need a clear understanding of your initial investment and ongoing operational costs. Some common costs to consider for a cosmetics brand include: Product Development: R&D, formulations, and packaging Manufacturing: Production costs, minimum order quantities (MOQ) Licensing and Certifications: Halal, safety, and quality certifications (important for your market) Marketing: Digital ads, influencer partnerships, PR, and brand awareness campaigns Logistics: Shipping, warehousing, distribution Salaries: Employee wages or consultant fees Website and e-commerce: Hosting, development, and maintenance fees Once you have these estimates, you can better understand how much revenue you need to cover expenses. 2. Set Revenue Targets Revenue targets will be based on how many products you aim to sell and at what price points. To set realistic revenue targets: Analyze your product pricing: What are your profit margins on each product? Consider both cost-plus pricing (production cost plus a markup) and market-based pricing (competitor analysis). Forecast sales volumes: Estimate the number of units you plan to sell monthly, quarterly, and annually. Use competitor benchmarks or industry averages to inform your assumptions. Use a break-even analysis: Determine the number of units you need to sell to cover your fixed and variable costs. Example: If each product costs $10 to produce and you sell it for $30, you have a gross profit of $20 per unit. If your monthly fixed costs (marketing, staff, etc.) are $10,000, you would need to sell 500 units per month to break even ($20 x 500 = $10,000). 3. Set Profit Targets Profit targets should be aligned with the growth stage of your brand: Gross Profit Margin: This measures profitability after production costs but before overhead. A typical target for cosmetics brands is a gross margin of 50%-70%. Net Profit Margin: After covering all expenses (production, marketing, staff, etc.), set a realistic net profit margin target. For a growing brand, a margin of 5%-10% might be a good initial target. Example: Revenue: $100,000 per month Cost of Goods Sold (COGS): $30,000 Gross Profit: $70,000 Operating Expenses: $50,000 (marketing, salaries, logistics, etc.) Net Profit: $20,000 (Net Profit Margin = 20%) 4. Plan for Growth and Scalability As your brand grows, you’ll need to scale production and marketing efforts, so set financial targets for growth. Examples of growth-related targets: Increase in monthly revenue: Set targets for increasing sales each month or quarter, e.g., 10%-15% growth in monthly sales. New market expansion: If you plan to enter new markets, define specific revenue targets for these expansions. Expand product lines: Plan for new product launches, estimating how much additional revenue they will generate. 5. Manage Cash Flow For a new cosmetics brand, cash flow is critical. Without proper cash flow, even a profitable business can struggle. Set targets for: Operating cash flow: Ensure that your daily operations can be funded by revenue, not just external funding. Inventory turnover: Set a target to ensure you aren’t over-producing products that sit in storage too long, which could harm cash flow. Days sales outstanding (DSO): How long does it take to receive payments? Set a target to reduce this time and improve cash flow efficiency. 6. Monitor Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC) and Lifetime Value (LTV) Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC): Calculate how much it costs to acquire a new customer through marketing and other expenses. A typical target is to keep CAC below 20%-30% of the customer’s first purchase. Customer Lifetime Value (LTV): Estimate how much revenue a customer will generate over their lifetime with your brand. The target is to ensure that LTV is 3-5 times higher than CAC. Example: If your CAC is $50, but each customer generates $150 in lifetime sales, your LTV ratio is 3:1, which is a healthy target. 7. Set Financial Targets for Marketing and Advertising Spend Allocate a percentage of your projected revenue towards marketing and advertising to grow the brand. For a cosmetics brand, it’s common to spend between 10%-30% of revenue on marketing, depending on your growth stage. Example: If your monthly revenue target is $50,000, you might allocate $5,000-$15,000 towards marketing and advertising to drive growth. 8. Review and Adjust Targets Regularly Financial targets aren’t static. Regularly review your actual performance against your targets and adjust them based on your growth, market conditions, and business needs. Consider doing this monthly or quarterly. Example of Financial Targets for a New Cosmetics Brand Monthly Revenue Target: $100,000 within 6 months Gross Profit Margin: 60% Net Profit Margin: 10% within the first year Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC): $50 per customer Customer Lifetime Value (LTV): $200 Marketing Budget: $15,000 per month Break-Even Point: 500 units sold per month By setting clear financial targets, you’ll have a roadmap for ensuring the profitability and sustainability of your new cosmetics brand.
Product KPIs: Launch six new products within the first year Achieve a minimum of 30-40K units sold per product line monthly within second year
Target Marketing:
Competitive Market Research
Competitive Market Research Riset Pasar: Identifikasi merek kosmetik lain yang juga menyasar konsumen dengan kulit sensitif, seperti Cetaphil, La Roche-Posay, atau Avène. Pelajari apa yang membuat mereka sukses atau kekurangan dari produk mereka. Produk dan Klaim: Analisis produk-produk pesaing berdasarkan klaim hypoallergenic, bebas pewangi, bebas paraben, dan bahan aktif yang menenangkan, seperti niacinamide atau aloe vera. Ini penting untuk memastikan Oxysera dapat bersaing dengan penawaran yang lebih baik atau berbeda. Review Konsumen: Baca ulasan konsumen dari merek pesaing untuk memahami masalah utama yang dialami oleh konsumen kulit sensitif. Ini bisa menjadi sumber inspirasi untuk pengembangan produk atau pesan komunikasi Oxysera.
Define Unique Selling Position (USP)
Define Unique Selling Position (USP) Keunikan Bahan: Fokus pada bahan yang dapat membedakan Oxysera dari pesaing. Misalnya, jika Oxysera menggunakan bahan alami seperti chamomile atau calendula yang terbukti klinis aman untuk kulit sensitif, maka itu bisa menjadi USP. Keamanan Produk: Pastikan USP menekankan bahwa Oxysera telah diuji dermatologis dan aman untuk semua jenis kulit sensitif, bahkan yang sangat rentan terhadap iritasi. Solusi Personal: Jika memungkinkan, tawarkan solusi yang lebih personal, seperti produk yang dikustomisasi untuk kebutuhan spesifik kulit sensitif (misalnya, Oxysera bisa menawarkan varian produk untuk sensitivitas berbeda, seperti kulit yang cenderung kemerahan, kering, atau berjerawat akibat sensitivitas).
Identify Target Audiences:
Identify Target Audiences Segmen Demografis: Targetkan wanita dan pria usia 18-45 tahun yang memiliki masalah kulit sensitif. Ini bisa mencakup berbagai lapisan masyarakat yang sering kali kesulitan menemukan produk yang aman dan nyaman untuk digunakan sehari-hari. Segmen Psikografis: Selain demografi, fokus pada konsumen yang sangat peduli dengan kesehatan kulit dan cenderung memilih produk berbahan alami atau organik, serta mereka yang sering memeriksa klaim dermatologis dan mencari produk yang lembut dan bebas bahan kimia agresif. Konsumen yang Sadar Akan Kesehatan: Konsumen yang mencari produk clean beauty dengan pendekatan minimalis dalam perawatan kulit sangat mungkin tertarik pada brand Oxysera. Mereka lebih memilih bahan alami dan menghindari zat aditif yang dapat mengiritasi kulit sensitif mereka.
Product Development:
Define User Stories
This step involves gathering requirements by defining how users will interact with the product. It focuses on capturing what users need from the product, often written from the perspective of the end user to ensure clarity and focus on solving user problems.
Develop Samples
After understanding user needs, the next step is to create a prototype or a working model of the product. This is typically a basic version designed to visually and functionally represent how the final product might work