Character Concept Map Template

Make character concept maps to sketch out the characters of your novel with ease.
Character Concept Map
Character development is vital in many literary works, particularly novels. The action and conflict in a tale are driven by the characters; they provide a cause for the story to exist. Character mapping may be as basic as having students fill in charts that monitor key elements of characters, or as sophisticated as recording traits that classify them as an icon. Three paragraph notes: distinct storyboards that capture a character's sentiments, behaviours, and crucial conversation in three different portions of the novel are another wonderful usage for a sketch in character study.

What is character concept map?

Character concept map is a visual organizer that assists students to understand a character and how the location can impact other characters, and the storyline affects the characters. It is employed both during and after the reading of the material. Students' understanding is aided by this method, which provides a framework for finding and arranging character elements.
Character mapping is beneficial for students since characters are important in virtually every tale and are vital to the plot. A character map's most significant function is to help pupils arrange their personalities, attributes, and motives. Students lose track of the story when they misread characters, and they frequently make important reading errors.

Why use a character concept map?

What exactly is mind mapping, and how can it assist you in structuring your novel? Character mind mapping is a useful tool for organizing and organizing daily activities, as well as the thoughts and ideas that constantly pass through our heads.
A character map is a visual representation of thoughts and concepts. It is a visual tool that assists you in organizing all of your information and in understanding, synthesizing, storing, and developing new concepts. We may declare out loud that the usefulness of mind mapping resides in its practicality, given that 90 percent of information delivered to the brain is visual.
Writing a book is a creative procedure that involves coming up with a brilliant concept and then letting your imagination run wild. It gets harder to manage the novel's object once you've planned your narrative and formed your characters. No one wants to forget anything that may later become essential to their tale, whether or not it is crucial to the storyline.

Character concept map examples

Example 1

With this template, you may make a simple character concept map and more. In addition to the text, you can quickly change the background design, bold headers, and subtle colour palette. You may begin by describing your character, including their beliefs, personalities, and roles, as well as anything else that will help your character stand out. This will give you a leg up on your story and the level of performance you want your characters to achieve.
character concept map example 01


Example 2

A character concept map not only shows the characteristics of every character of the story but it also provides an understanding of what relationship will they be in. Through character mind mapping, it will be easy to visually see the relationship between the characters. It's a good way to start and it might also give you an idea of how to write certain characters with ease. Rather than coming up with characters on a whim, and the characters do not hold any meaning.

Example 3

A detailed character concept map is the identity of very organized writers. Having your novel planned out beforehand helps you speed up the writing process without going through writer's block and mindless writing that does not make sense. Like the following character mind map that shows all the relative important aspects of the book and its characters and all the important events that might take place in the book. This will keep the writer's creative juices flowing and not experience any roadblocks.
character concept map example 03


Why EdrawMind?

EdrawMind is a full-featured collaborative mind mapping and brainstorming tool. It is convenient and helpful for you to use EdrawMind to sort out your thoughts, visualize ideas, take notes, plan projects and more importantly, find solutions to problems.
Users are allowed to insert different kinds of objects into topics and mind maps in EdrawMind, including relationship line, boundary, callout, summary, mark, clip art, picture, hyperlink, attachment, note, comment, and tag. EdrawMind offers you a simple way to create mind maps on Windows, macOS, and Linux. Download the desktop version and try the free online version now!
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