Team Training can be divided into two areas based on two basic team operations: content tasks and group processes.
Creating an ethical and productive workplace environment means that people need to be equipped to deal with unethical behavior when they encounter it.
Can focus on prevention. Prevention training often includes seminars on stress management, conflict resolution, and team building.
The ability to write, speak, and work well with others. Term literacy generally used to mean the mastery of basic skills taught in school--reading, writing & arithmetic. Functional literacy training programs focus on basic skills required to perform a job adquately & capitalize on most workers' motivation to get help or advance in a particular job.
Customer Service
Goal of customer service training is to improve customer service. Important to look at how a product or service is provided to a customer from perspective of the customer
Overall Objective: Improve Customer Service
Specific Behaviorial Dimension: Providing Product/Service Examples:
Worker engages customer with friendly welcome
Worker repeats customer order
Worker carries out steps in correct order to provide the request product/service
Responding to Questions and Complaints
Worker responds positively to questions and describes products/services in greater detail.
Worker addresses complaint and takes action to resolve issue.
Worker contacts supervisor if needed.
Managing the Training Process
The training process consists of three phases: assessment, development and conduct of training and evaluation. In the assessment phase, organizational, task, and person needs are identified and the goals of training are clarified. Several options are available during the training phase. Training can take place either on the job or off the job.
Training vs. Development
Training typically focuses on providing employees with specific skills
Development is a fn effort to provide employees with the abilities that the organization will need in theuture.
Presentation Options
Classroom Instruction & Role-Play
The need or deficit is identified via a thorough assessment. Most common in organizations.
A subset of skills training. Gives employees the skills they need to keep pace with their job's changing requirements. Unfortunately, not always as effective as hoped.
Designed to teach employees about specific cultural and sex differences and how to respond to these in the workplace.Based on the assumption that creativity can be learned. One approach is through brainstorming where participants generate
Based on the assumption that creativity can be learned. One approach is through brainstorming where participants generate ideas.
Challenges in Training
Is Training te Solution?
Are the goals clear and realistic
Is Training a good investment?
Legal Issues and Training
Training is affected by legal regulations. The major requirement here is that employees must have access to training and development programs in a nondiscrimatory fashion. Equal opportunity regulations and antidiscrimination laws apply to the training process just as they do to all other HR functions.
Expatriate Assignments & Training Needs
Country Characteristics - How different is the country from the one where the employee currently resides?
Job characteristics - Characteristics of the international assignment can have training implications. The international assignment ma post challenges such as difficulty in obtaining supplies, the quality of materials, and how smoothly the work process operates.
Worker characteristics - The worker's competencies can have obvious implications for training needs. If the expatriate doesn't have a competency needed to adequately perform the foreign assignment, there is an obvious training need.
Approximately 14% of U.S. population is foreign born although in some areas, such as California, southern Texas, southern Florida, and in New York City, the proportion reaches close to one-third of the population.
Asian Americans - constitute approximately 5.6 of U.S. workforce people with disabilitities Approximately 43.5 million people with disabilities in the United States.
African Americans - constitute approximately 13 % of U.S. workforce