Galería de mapas mentales Porject Design Thinking (PDT)
This mind map is about project design thinking, learn more of project management in this map.
Editado a las 2020-10-10 07:29:49,PROJECTS & DESIGN THINKING (PDT)
What Who Why When/& How Wherefrom blogpost: Dr in Columbia reading- in Cynefin model"an essential development skill is to recognise domains and be able to switch thinking and operational style to match the domains "Cynefin= place or habitat, and prescrbes the different approaches to operate successfully in the various situations/contexts we find ourselves in.
sense-notice the character of the context (in this case= simple)categorize-the situationrespond- with solution (best practice)
sense-notice the character of the context (in this case= complicated)analyze-the situation, may require investigation, or applying expert knowledgerespond- with solution (good practice)
probe- make small thoughtful interventions sense-see what happens (best/off the shelf practice may do more harm than good in this specific context)respond- with emergent/experimental solutionnb in complex scenarios, the relationship between cause and effect can only be made in hindsight, not in advancerepeat these steps 5 times
act- towards more stability (complex perhaps) sense-see what happens respond- with novel solution no relationship between cause & effect at systems level
State of utter confusionResult is usually to panic or to withdraw to one's comfort zone. (both are not very helpful responses to a situation)
Simple-Complex Paradox
e.g. chicken tractor- applications are simple- nutrient supply, aerator, pest control, but when applied to the whole system (orchard, pasture, veg garden etc.), it can become complex, as the connections between the various elements of the whole system cannot be fully known & predicted.
What Who Why When/& How Where
Project Approaches
*See link Schumacher Institute free systems learning course:
Leverage Points
Donella MeadowsLeverage Points= Designed Interventions (places to intervene) in a systemCheck Diigo bookmark for annotations Jay Forrester at MIT- *“state of the system” is whatever standing stock is of importance — amount of water behind the dam, amount of harvestable wood in the forest, number of people in the population, amount of money in the bank*negative feedback loops= correcting loopsA negative feedback loop is self-correcting; a positive feedback loop is self-reinforcing.e.g. The more people catch the flu, the more they infect other people.vsThe more money you have in the bank, the more interest you earn, the more money you have in the bank.The structure of information flows (who does and does not have access to information).There was this subdivision of identical houses, the story goes, except that for some reason the electric meter in some of the houses was installed in the basement and in others it was installed in the front hall, where the residents could see it constantly, going round faster or slower as they used more or less electricity. With no other change, with identical prices, electricity consumption was 30 percent lower in the houses where the meter was in the front hall.Paradigms are the sources of systems. From them, from shared social agreements about the nature of reality, come system goals and information flows, feedbacks, stocks, flows and everything else about systems.The power to transcend paradigms- to realize that NO paradigm is “true,” that every one, including the one that sweetly shapes your own worldview, is a tremendously limited understanding of an immense and amazing universe that is far beyond human comprehension. "Magical leverage points are not easily accessible, even if we know where they are and which direction to push on them. There are no cheap tickets to mastery. You have to work hard at it, whether that means rigorously analyzing a system or rigorously casting off your own paradigms and throwing yourself into the humility of Not Knowing. In the end, it seems that mastery has less to do with pushing leverage points than it does with strategically, profoundly, madly letting go."
Jay Forrester
donella meadows highlights the contribution of Jay Forrester ito of System Dynamics
2. GTD: Getting Things Done -David AllenProject = 2 or more actionsAction= anything that can be done in a short time observe system-make profound changes through small simple tweaks at strategic locationsobserve system, make small simple strategic tweaks "small quantitative changes make large qualitative differences" max effect for min effort aka "mini-max interventions"
Dragon Dreaming
Dragon DreamingProject= planned undertaking, to achieve specified goals in a specific timePopular Even though focus is on specific results, cause it adds a right brained element to this technique for developing projects of a collaborative & sustainable natureDD focus: personal growth, community building, service to the Earth
Logframes & ADDIE
The thinking proposed here is that it is virtually impossible due to increasing complexity, to pre-define the goals of a project ahead of time. Like the models described below employs. 1. Log-Frame- logical Frameworks- step by step aproachesLog Frame Matrix 2. ADDIE instructional systems design (ISD) framework that many instructional designers and training developers use to develop coursesAnalysis to clarify the instructional problems & objs, & to id the learning environment & learner's current knowledge & skillsDesign deals with learning objectives, assessment instruments, exercises, content, subject matter analysis, lesson planning, and media selectionDevelopment create and assemble content assets described in the design phase...test & debug, develop & integrate e-learning tech; review & revise thru feedback loopsImplementation develops procedures for training facilitators and learnersEvaluation consists of 2 aspects: formative (developmental/malleable) & summative (evaluating based on a standard or benchmark) ***NB It is better to employ a deliberately iterative process, like SAM (successive approximation model) to guide the design effort.
Agile Systems
* transitions to agile systems like these require: mindflex attitude willingess to learn new things willingess to be early adopters, whilst appreciating the value of historic techniques
SAM (Successive Approximation Method)- for smaller projects a. Preparation Phase: gather info & savvy start b. Iterative Design Phase: Design- Prototype- Review c. Iterative Development Phase: Develop- Implement- Evaluate
Outcomes Mapping
Outcomes Mapping - for larger projects a. Design Stage: consensus on desired macro level changes b. Monitoring Stage: Outcomes & Performance c. Evaluation Stage: id evaluation priorities evaluating the effects of a project after action has been taken
Lean Project Design
Lean Project Design template is a modified versionof the Lean Canvas Get this template/collection for your own use - see this video on how to copy a template - use "Lean Project" as the search term. Click the Problem/solutions schematicNote: Other peoples' schematics can be helpful (or confusing) - see what you make of this one designed to be read in conjunction with the Lean Project Design Template. Xmind link:
No System
the reality is that most people employ no system at all, which is extremely hard for self or peers to follow, hard to manage.If however, we know what system we are utilizing, is becomes much easier to structure, articulate, progress and accept support from experts
What Who Why When/& How Where
Design Opp in EVERY situation!
as all social and human situations are realities created by us they are open to endless design and re-design
Analytical/Methodical = Left BrainedE.g. of an Analytical PATTERN used in the survey phase of a PC design 1) Slope, sectors and aspect,2) Soils and water,3) Microclimates,4) Existing vegetation and5) Current patterns of use in relation to zone and sector analysis.
Sense & feel what the solution/approach should be (more right brained)
harvest advantages of both approaches/sides of the brain whilst avoiding the pitfalls of each
Becoming a Designer
What Who Why When/& How Where
Making a Living
ES Regen
^your spheres of influence
For Life & the Earth
Liberation- self, others, society
Practice! 10 Cycle Rule
What Who Why When/& How Where
Goals Articulation
articulate a vision***The preparation we do in goals articulation and analysis & assessment makes a big difference as then the design starts to show itself without us needing to ‘come up with it’.
Analyze & Assess
make a realistic appraisal of the current situation ***The preparation we do in goals articulation and analysis & assessment makes a big difference as then the design starts to show itself without us needing to ‘come up with it’.
Preparation is 9/10s of the jobThe proposal is that the design phase is made very much more simple when it’s preceded with thorough preparation. (i.e in the goals articulation and analyze & assess phases)
working on a design to guide your own action(implementation) or a design for a client it is essential and helpfulto think through what the implementation sequence will look like.Think creatively in this phase so the design can unfold in a succession that suits budgets, available labor and energies, and which meets key needs first, such as generating an early income stream.Implementation= From thinking to doing – a big step!
Place of reflection.Design evaluation/feedback loops into the process from the start.2 questions:what went wellwhat was challenging
Note Gaia U Youtube Channel: Book: Antifragile by Nassim Taleb Book: Getting Things Done (GTD) by David Allen
Schumacher Inst. youtube channel *Designing Interventions in a system
Nikolia Vavilov Liquid Modernity by Zygmunt BaumanBook: Looby Macnamara, theauthor of People and Permaculture Resources on SAM Microlearning is a holistic approach for skill based learning/education with relatively small learning units. It involves short-term-focused strategies especially designed for skill based understanding/learning/education. See also Research to Action website on Outcome Mapping: Book: The Human Side of Human Beings: The Theory of Re-Evaluation Counseling Harvey Jackinssee also: Dragon Dreaming website & factsheets for download See: Jay Forrester at MIT Dynamics provides a fundamental understanding of the world, of where the future lies."Takes a daring person with courage, who has a vision and doesn't care where the chips might fall!"
Follow Up
*Free online course on systems thinking Schumacher Inst. resources courses A Pattern Language book (+ book: "A TimelessWay of Building,") and link Sociocultural Pattern Language Christopher Alexander interview Holistic Goals Process in HM Robert Fritz Design Model & Path of Least Resistance Appreciative Inquiry Leanstack Collection; Books: Running Lean & Scaling Lean The Lean Start Up Bauhaus article: Form follows Function New Economics Foundation (NEF) Tagasaste- tree fertilizer, pea family, also used as fodder
PC Design Principles
Robert Fritz Model
Creative Tension
1. Appraise Current Situation
2. Path of Least Resistance
3. Vision