MindMap Gallery Healing and repair-2
Healing and repair are essential processes that occur in various aspects of life, including physical, emotional, and societal realms. This mind map aims to explore the concept of healing and repair. Whether it is recovering from physical injuries, emotional trauma, or restoring broken relationships, healing and repair play a crucial role in promoting well-being and growth. By following this mind map, individuals can gain insights into the different dimensions of healing and repair and discover effective methods to facilitate their own personal growth and contribute to the healing of others and the world around them. Let's embark on this journey and explore the transformative power of healing and repair.
Edited at 2023-02-16 01:40:18Healing and repair are essential processes that occur in various aspects of life, including physical, emotional, and societal realms. This mind map aims to explore the concept of healing and repair. Whether it is recovering from physical injuries, emotional trauma, or restoring broken relationships, healing and repair play a crucial role in promoting well-being and growth. By following this mind map, individuals can gain insights into the different dimensions of healing and repair and discover effective methods to facilitate their own personal growth and contribute to the healing of others and the world around them. Let's embark on this journey and explore the transformative power of healing and repair.
Healing and repair are essential processes that occur in various aspects of life, including physical, emotional, and societal realms. This mind map aims to explore the concept of healing and repair. Whether it is recovering from physical injuries, emotional trauma, or restoring broken relationships, healing and repair play a crucial role in promoting well-being and growth. By following this mind map, individuals can gain insights into the different dimensions of healing and repair and discover effective methods to facilitate their own personal growth and contribute to the healing of others and the world around them. Let's embark on this journey and explore the transformative power of healing and repair.
Healing and repair are essential processes that occur in various aspects of life, including physical, emotional, and societal realms. This mind map aims to explore the concept of healing and repair. Whether it is recovering from physical injuries, emotional trauma, or restoring broken relationships, healing and repair play a crucial role in promoting well-being and growth. By following this mind map, individuals can gain insights into the different dimensions of healing and repair and discover effective methods to facilitate their own personal growth and contribute to the healing of others and the world around them. Let's embark on this journey and explore the transformative power of healing and repair.
Healing and repair are essential processes that occur in various aspects of life, including physical, emotional, and societal realms. This mind map aims to explore the concept of healing and repair. Whether it is recovering from physical injuries, emotional trauma, or restoring broken relationships, healing and repair play a crucial role in promoting well-being and growth. By following this mind map, individuals can gain insights into the different dimensions of healing and repair and discover effective methods to facilitate their own personal growth and contribute to the healing of others and the world around them. Let's embark on this journey and explore the transformative power of healing and repair.
Healing and repair are essential processes that occur in various aspects of life, including physical, emotional, and societal realms. This mind map aims to explore the concept of healing and repair. Whether it is recovering from physical injuries, emotional trauma, or restoring broken relationships, healing and repair play a crucial role in promoting well-being and growth. By following this mind map, individuals can gain insights into the different dimensions of healing and repair and discover effective methods to facilitate their own personal growth and contribute to the healing of others and the world around them. Let's embark on this journey and explore the transformative power of healing and repair.
Healing and repair are essential processes that occur in various aspects of life, including physical, emotional, and societal realms. This mind map aims to explore the concept of healing and repair. Whether it is recovering from physical injuries, emotional trauma, or restoring broken relationships, healing and repair play a crucial role in promoting well-being and growth. By following this mind map, individuals can gain insights into the different dimensions of healing and repair and discover effective methods to facilitate their own personal growth and contribute to the healing of others and the world around them. Let's embark on this journey and explore the transformative power of healing and repair.
Healing and repair 2
Inhibition of healing
Growth Inhibitory factors
Transforming growth factor-beta limiting the proliferation of hepatocytes following partial liver removal
alpha interferon
prostaglandin E2
Reduce receptors for growth factors
Contact inhibition
Cell to Cell Interactions as growth inhibitors as cells in the tissue
Cell to Matrix Interactions as growth inhibitors as cells in the tissue
tend to proliferate until a monolayer is formed at that point proliferation stops
Nature of the matrix
growth of type IV collagen, tends to form tube-like structures
Fibronectin fragments promote fibroblasts’ sheet-like structure
Cell to cell interaction
mediated through surface receptors that interact with the cytoskeleton to give a signal of differentiation
This group of receptors includes
integrins, such as fibronectin receptors
platelet receptors
leukocyte adhesion molecules
Factors that Affects Healing Process
Local Factors
delays wound healing due to
poor blood supply
foreign bodies
exposure to ionizing radiation
while exposure to ultraviolet light facilitates healing
Type, size, and location of injury influence the healing
Systemic Factors
Wound healing takes place rapidly in Youngs age and slows in elderly
Deficiency of protein, vitamin C, and zinc delays the wound healing
Systemic infection
administration of drugs
large doses of glucocorticoids delay the healing process.
Uncontrolled diabetics
Diabetics are more prone to develop infections and hence delayed healing
Hematologic abnormalities
Defects of neutrophil functions, neutropenia, and bleeding disorders slow wound healing
examples of the healing in tissues
skin, bones, and neurons
Wound Healing (skin)
wound healing occurs through the following phases
Haemostasis Phase
A process in which fibrin mesh strengthens the platelet aggregates to form a stable plug
then platelets secrete platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF),. Homeostasis occurs within minutes of the initial injury
Inflammatory Phase
presents as erythema, swelling, warmth, and pain (signs of inflammation) + inflammatory cells accumulation. It continues for four days and follows by contraction.
Proliferative Phase
Happens in granulation tissues
Proliferation of granulation tissues. starts at day 4, and lasts at day 21 in acute wounds depending on the size of the wound.
Remodeling or Maturation Phase
can take up to two years after wounding and explains why apparently healed wounds can break down so dramatically and quickly if attention is not paid to the initial causative factors
Healing of wound takes place in two ways ( primary union or secondary union)
Healing by First Intention
primary union and secondary union
Healing by First Intention (Primary Union)
This type of healing occurs when
there is a clean wound
the edges of the wound are regular and approximated (closing the wound).
e.g surgical incision wound is closed by suturing
Then after:The incision space fills with blood, which contains fibrin and blood cells and subsequently clots
then the surface of this clot becomes dehydrated (scab formation).
Within 24 hours
neutrophils appear at the edges
the epithelium begins to proliferate migrating under the scab
and forming a thin continuous epithelial layer
By 72 hours
macrophages are becoming the numerous inflammatory cells and
granulation tissue
starts to develop, collagen fibers are present but do not bridge the incision site
the epithelial cells continue to proliferate under the scab and the epidermal covering over the incision becomes thicker.
By day 5
the granulation tissue fills the space and collagen fibers begin to bridge the incision
the epidermis returns to its normal thickness and keratinized architecture
During the second week
continued accumulation of collagen fibers and proliferation of fibroblasts, and inflammatory cells
edema disappears
the process of blanching begins
By the end of one month
a connective tissue scar is devoid of inflammatory cells and is covered by an intact epidermis
Wound Healing by Second Intention (Secondary Union)
occurs when severe injuries and extensive loss of tissues or contaminated wound, such as
repair by regeneration is minimal and the defect is filled with granulation tissue and fibrosis dominantly
inflammatory ulceration
large irregular wounds
Second intention healing differs from first intention healing in
more inflammatory response
more granulation tissue
a phenomenon is known as "wound contraction" whereby specialized fibroblasts called myofibroblasts contract and reduce the size of the wound.
Normal sequence of wound healing
Inflammatory phase
Stars the 1st day , lasts from 3-5 days
1st vasoconstriction
2nd blood clot formation
3rd plaetelets aggregation
4th platelets degranulation
5th vasodilation
6th chemotaxis
proliferative phase
Starts 3rd day , lasts for 3rd week
1st Angiogenesis
the formation of new blood vessels
2nd fibroblast migration
3ed formation of granulation tissue
4th reepithelialization
Remodeling phase
starts from weeks to years
the fibroblast start to disappear
collagen type III is gradually replaced by stronger type I collagen
The tensile strength of the scar tissue gradually increase
An excessive Scar Formation
Excessive granulation is characterized by the formation of a mass of tissue protruding from the wound and preventing re-epithelialization. commonly referred to as "proud flesh".
Keloid Formation
Keloid formation also refers to an aberration of wound healing resulting in bulging scars, but it differs from excessive scar in that it is caused by excessive collagenization and not the excessive formation of granulation tissue,
common in darker people
Wound Rupture
Failure of fusion of the two ends of the wound, or nonunion of bone fracture
Epidermoid Cyst
Implantation of epidermal cells, giving rise to keratin-filled cyst known as an epidermoid cyst
Bacterial infection and pus discharge may take place if a wound is contaminated
Weak Scars Formation
Failure to close the wound