Fresh flow, user being invited for first time, open link in incognito mode
no sso involved, otp verification etc is smooth
When a user is logged in into Account_A and tries to accept invitation from another account which is Account_B in the next tab
the account doesn't get added -> FIXED
User A gets invitation from 2 accounts X and Z, accept invitation from only X
User has access to only X account (but sometimes he is able to access both on accepting only one invite, not able to reproduce)
Send an invite to user A and remove the user A, check what happens when
he accepts the previously sent invitation
User wont be able to accept the invitation and user is shown
right error message "User not found in invited account or already completed the registration"
Rename tenant
reflected in emails, reflected in newly added accounts and old accounts
User A gets invitation from 2 accounts X and Z, accept invitation from only Z
Bug, account expiry message is shown
Remove successfully registered user from this screen
assuming he was associated with only one account
He can still login but he will be on select tenant screen as he is not associated with any accounts
Reregister the above removed user
OTP expiration while registration
Incorrect OTP while registering
User wont be able to bypass otp screen by giving incorrect OTP
Registration link expiration, should reflect the status in the manage
tenant screen as well
Remove successfully registered user from this screen
assuming he is associated with multiple accounts
User will be able to view tenant accounts only to which he has access to
Register multiple people to one account
Multiple people associated with dataworkz_account, works well